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This Friday “Boleros, corridors and something else, at the Bolívar Theater” – Chronicle

Lenin Coronel, Cultural manager of the Municipality of Loja invites Lojan citizens to the Friday Festival of Boleros and Corridors.

As part of what will be the Loja International Live Arts Festival (FIAVL), this Friday, June 24, at the Bolívar Theater, starting at 8:00 p.m., there will be the presentation of Boleros, Corridors and something else. The event is open to the general public and is free.


Lenin Coronel, Cultural manager of the Municipality of Loja, in dialogue with Diario Crónica indicated that “Boleros, Pasillo y algo más” is a proposal from the Municipal Rondalla that has been around for 2 and a half years, a time they have been working and making multiple presentations .

“It has gone very well for us, since we have had special guests, for example, former members of the Municipal Rondalla, even when the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso Mendoza, was in Loja, he was able to observe the presentation of this project with various artists in scene”.

This Friday, those present will enjoy melodies in boleros and corridors: Nuestro Juramento, El Aguacate, Sombras, Vertigo; while in -algo más-, Ecuadorian bomb, ballads, among others. In addition, they will observe dance since there will be the presentation of the Kápac Ñan group.

He added that, “there is a very nice repertoire of boleros and corridors, especially the latter, to which we seek to give greater prominence, since that is the purpose -that the native music does not disappear and continues through the generations-“.( YO)

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