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This food style would be ideal to dispose of party binges with an eye to cholesterol and without sacrificing taste.

Christmas holidays, colors, relatives, tables set and full of delicious and tasty foods. During the holidays, binges are the order of the day. Our tables are enriched with tempting and tasty delicacies and foods. So, between toasts, lunches and dinners, this is probably the symbolic moment of the year when we consume a large amount of dishes rich in fats and sugars. We can often give in to unconscious abuse, with the consequence of arriving at the Epiphany with a single question in mind.

How do we get rid of the Christmas binges and get back in shape?

Lightness and taste

And so among the good intentions in view of the new year, maybe we think of a small home diet. By deciding to eliminate from our menu the foods that best satisfy our palate during the holidays. A series of excellent foods but at the same time harmful if consumed in excess or incorrectly. In some cases, to safeguard the line, we also resort to drastic solutions, promising to fast for the 20 days following the holidays. Obviously this is not the ideal solution, since the watchword to dispose of the binges is yes lightness, but with a particular eye to taste.

This style of food would be ideal to dispose of party binges with an eye to cholesterol without sacrificing taste

Combining lightness and taste is possible thanks to a food style typical of Scandinavian countries. A defined Nordic diet in which the focus is not on eating less, but on eating better. By following this diet, in fact, we should reduce packaged and industrial foods to a minimum, orienting our attention towards natural and 0 km foods. From fresh vegetables to local fruit, we should satisfy the sense of hunger with the products that the season makes available to us. And so, for example, apples and pears, excellent sources of pectins, would represent an ideal aid to fight hunger during the course of the day. In fact, the pectin contained in these fruits would increase the sense of satiety, and would seem to reduce the presence in the blood of both total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. At the same time, we should prefer seasonal vegetables such as broccoli, celeriac, carrots, cabbage.

Reasoned choice

Protein is also important, as long as it is low in fat. Furthermore we should also look at the provenance. Therefore, in the case of fish we should opt for the catch from the cold seas of Northern Europe. Here salmon, sardines, mackerel feed on algae and plankton and would be very rich in omega 3. As for meat, however, we should choose grazing meat: chicken, turkey, beef, lamb. These in fact would have lower percentages of omega 6, fats that in excess could be harmful to our health. Also important are legumes, rich in carbohydrates and perfect as thickeners for winter soups, and high-fiber cereals such as rye and oats.

Therefore, this style of food would be ideal to dispose of the party binges with an eye to cholesterol without sacrificing taste and flavors. Obviously, a healthy and correct physical activity can do us nothing but good.

Recommended reading

Cholesterol-free but rich in B vitamins, this delicious exotic fruit would help protect the colon

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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