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This extravagant gift he bought with his first star salary, “It cost me…”

Six years ago, viewers of The Voice on TF1 were introduced to Claudio Capéo. With his accordion and powerful voice, he had won over coach Florent Pagny during the fifth season of the talent show. And, in particular, thanks to his poignant interpretation of Chez Laurette by Michel Delpech. Although he did not win the competition, beaten by Slimane, Claudio Capéo saw his career explode.

Today, he is one of the most popular artists in France. Building on his success, he released his sixth album Rose des Vents last Friday, November 25. On the occasion of the promotion of this opus, the former carpenter confided in the microphone of the show We’re remaking TV on RTLIn particular, he discussed an aspect of his life as an artist that made him uncomfortable: the fact of having quickly earned large sums of money.

Claudio Capéo and money: a persistent malaise

Claudio Capéo, although now famous, remains marked by his modest origins. Indeed, as the presenter of Eric Dussart’s show pointed out, the 37-year-old artist comes from a modest background, where money was not a priorityHe confided that he had “very badly” experienced the change in life linked to the rapid increase in his income, when his fame increased after The Voice. “Suddenly, there’s a lot of money coming in, it’s a change of life”he explained.

However, far from rejoicing at this new fortune, Claudio Capéo expressed a certain detachment from money. “I don’t look at this money, I don’t use it, it doesn’t interest me, because I don’t need it.”he said bluntly. He added that he was very happy before” to know the celebrity, emphasizing that money was never a motivation for him. This perspective contrasts with that of many artists, who often enthusiastically embrace the more comfortable lifestyle that accompanies success.

Claude Capéo’s humility towards money

For Claudio Capéo, money is not a central issue in his life, even after seeing his income explode. He revealed that he waited several months, or even more than a year, before treating himself with his new financial means. “It was a small speaker, a sound system with two speakers. It cost me 2,000 bucks at the time, it was crazy stuff.”he recalled with a smile. The singer even admitted thathe had hidden this purchase home to avoid his friends seeing him, as he had never been able to afford such luxury before.

This reluctance to take full advantage of his new income can also be explained by a certain fear of losing his footing. Claudio Capéo confided that he was afraid that this sudden influx of money could make him “spin” and push him to “do anything”. This concern of don’t get carried away by wealth reflects a desire to maintain a simple and balanced life, despite the opportunities that his new financial situation might offer.

Photo credit: Germain Sastre Claudio Capéo talks about the show On refait la télé

Claude Capéo’s priority: simplicity

If money does not seduce him, Claudio Capéo remains focused on the essentialsDuring the show, he stressed the importance of simple values ​​in his life. The most important thing is to pay my rent and for my children to be able to eat, quite simply.”he said with disarming sincerity. For this artist, who long lived from his manual labor before being propelled to the forefront of the stage, fame has not altered his fundamental priorities. The fact of stay humble and anchored in simple valuesdespite his meteoric rise to fame, is certainly one of the reasons why Claudio Capéo continues to appeal to a wide audience. This authenticity shines through in his music, but also in the way he presents himself to the media. His sincerity and refusal to be overwhelmed by the superficial aspects of fame give him a special aura in the music industry.

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