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This Exoplanet Gives Clues to Planet Ninth Existence: Okezone techno

FOR scientists have yet to find out Planet 9. However, an exoplanet found in outer space appears to have provided further evidence and clues that this mysterious celestial body does exist.

Exoplanet named HD 106906 b is 336 light from Earth. This planet has a strange orbit around its parent star pair that rotates once in 15,000 years.

In fact, a planet 11 times the size of Jupiter has been discovered since 2013. However, recent measurements from the Hubble Space Telescope have suggested that the planet extends 730 times the distance between Earth and the sun. Another fact is that this planet has a tilted orbit, unlike any other known planet in the Solar System.

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“It would be odd if, say, Jupiter happened to be tilted 30 degrees with respect to the plane in which every other planet orbits. This raises questions about how HD 106906 b ended up so far away in such an inclined orbit, ”said the study’s lead author, Meiji Nguyen.

Reporting from Fox News, Thursday (17/12/2020), researchers believe that HD 106906 b is formed quite close to the parent star. But over time, there were obstacles that caused the orbit to break.

Instead of hitting the star as it should, the two stars’ gravity pushed them out of the system. Then, another star that passes nearby produces a distant and elongated orbit.

Researchers also believe that a similar scenario may have occurred for Planet 9 in the early days of the Solar System. Jupiter’s gravity pushes it over the edge and meets another alien star. HD 106906 b will continue to be studied to see additional information that may be related to Planet 9.

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“This shows if a planet is indeed responsible for what we observe in the orbit of a trans-Neptune object, it should have an eccentric orbit that is inclined relative to the plane of the Solar System. The orbital predictions for Planet Nine are similar to what we saw on HD 106906b, ”said study co-author Robert De Rosa.


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