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This discovery once again confirms Einstein’s extraordinary excellence over the years

For the first time, astronomers were able to see the back of a black hole, proving that Albert Einstein was right after more than a century.

einstein’s general theory of relativity

NS Telegrap reported that an international research team successful for the first time see the back of a supermassive black hole 800 million light years from our planet. Thus, they were able to prove Albert Einstein’s theory of the behavior of these mysterious celestial bodies.

These researchers used very powerful X-ray telescope to study these black holes, which are located at the center of distant galaxies. These astronomers observed the usual characteristics of black holes, but they also saw light in the form of x-rays emitted by the other side of the black hole.

For information, Black holes are born when a massive star explodes in a supernova and then crashes into itself. Then formed mass of incomprehensible density, swallows everything in the environment. Therefore, it is logically impossible to see light behind a black hole.

tEinstein’s general theory of relativity was predicted in 1915 that the attraction of a black hole may be so phenomenal that it would distort the grid of space, distort magnetic fields, and bend light.

As a result,Einstein’s work claims that it should be possible to see light waves ejected from the other side of the black hole due to magnetic field distortion, then act like a mirror.

Experts accept the theory, but so far have not been able to directly observe the phenomenon. But thanks to modern telescopes and the development of highly sensitive instruments, this is now possible.

A capital discovery

Dan Wilkins, Astrophysicist at Stanford University, studied the mechanism of the destruction of atoms and electrons through black holes, as well as the resulting X-rays.

When he looked at the data, he saw what he expected, X-rays sent straight from the black hole’s core to earth. Corn he also noticed an unexpected echo a little after that. These are X-rays projected in the opposite direction to Earth, but reflected by the black hole’s magnetic field.

The findings, published in Nature, proved once again that Einstein was right and supported the general theory of relativity. NS Profesor Roger Blandford from Stanford University, a co-author of the study, said:

Fifty years ago, when astrophysicists began speculating about the behavior of magnetic fields near black holes, they had no idea that one day we would have the technique needed to see and see them in person. Einstein’s general theory of relativity in action.

The mission to characterize and understand these celestial bodies continues and will require more observations. Will be a part of that future European Space Agency X-Ray Observatory, Athens (Advanced telescope for high energy astrophysics). As a laboratory member of Steve Allen, Professor of Physics at Stanford and of Particle Physics and Astrophysics at SLAC, Wilkins was involved in the development of parts of the Wide field image detector for Athens. Wilkins said:

The mirrors are much larger than we have ever had with x-ray telescopes, and this will allow us to get higher resolution images with much shorter viewing times. The picture we will now get from the data will become clearer with this new observatory.

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