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This Country Is Allegedly Wealthy Thanks to Gold Relics from the Nazis

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia Switzerland is one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Switzerland’s stable labor market and low unemployment rate result in a high GDP per capita.

However, besides that, there are also those who say that Switzerland became a rich country because of the gold legacy of the Nazis. Really?

Switzerland has long been accused of taking advantage of its neutrality in World War II. Mark Pieth, of the Swiss anti-corruption organization, once wrote an essay entitled Gold Laundering – the dirty secrets of the gold trade and how to clean up. There, Pieth mentions that during World War II, Switzerland bought large amounts of gold from the Nazis. They exchanged the precious metal for Swiss francs, the only free convertible currency at the time apart from the American dollar.



It is believed that Swiss banks bought CHF1.7 billion (US$1.7 billion) worth of Nazi gold, including gold that Germany looted from the reserves of the conquered countries, notably Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway. Some of this gold was confiscated from the public or transferred from concentration camp victims.

A 1997 investigation by the Bergier Commission found 76% of German gold transactions were conducted through Switzerland. Then, in 1996, the Swiss National Bank admitted to profiting from wartime transactions with the German Central Bank. From the transaction, Switzerland is estimated to receive CHF 20 million.

Recently, Irish publication The Irish Sun, wrote that billions of dollars worth of deposits allegedly looted by the Nazis were being hunted in Swiss Banks.

The treasure hunt began after a list emerged of 12,000 Nazis suspected of having deposited money in bank accounts in Switzerland. There are also those who suspect that all these funds may have been kept in a secret bank account in a Swiss bank for the last 78 years.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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