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This Chocolate Content Effectively Normalizes High Blood Pressure

VIVA – Increasing age followed by an unhealthy lifestyle makes the body susceptible to various diseases. Optimal immunity is the main thing to pay attention to, especially during this pandemic. So, what should be done to maintain a healthy body?

Clinical nutrition specialist, dr. Diana Suganda, M.Kes, Sp.GK, explained that the application of a healthy lifestyle can increase endurance. One of them is by consuming foods that contain high flavanols.

“Flavanol is an antioxidant compound and one of the highest content is found in seeds chocolate, namely cocoa flavanols. The flavanol content in cocoa can increase the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby reducing the workload of the heart, “he said at the launch of Cocoa X’Tend, through a release received. VIVA, Friday, 11 September 2020.

Also read: Study: Inhaling Chocolate Can Help Quit Smoking

According to research conducted by the American Heart Association, people over the age of 30 are prone to the risk of stroke and heart attack, which generally start from hypertension or high blood pressure.

As a supporting food that has many functions for the health of the body. Several journals and global studies have reviewed the benefits of flavanols in cocoa against various diseases, one of which is lightening the workload of the heart.

“Healthy blood circulation is very dependent on elastic blood vessels which can be obtained with regular consumption of cocoa flavanols at least 200 mg / day. Cocoa flavanols can improve blood vessels that are inelastic, thereby reducing the workload of the heart and improving heart function,” continued Diana.

Another function, long-term consumption of 900 mg or more of cocoa flavanols per day, can help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. Antioxidants in cocoa flavanols can also stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body which plays a role in increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and making blood pressure normal.

Launch page MDPI, the flavanol content in cocoa can even help sufferers diabetes type-2 increases insulin sensitivity and helps reduce blood sugar content. Long-term effect, will make skin brighter and healthier.

Juliana Wijaya, Founder of Cocoa X’tend Indonesia, suggests getting the benefits of flavanols, one of which can be obtained from consumption. cocoa powder or cocoa powder, but without sugar so it is also safe for diabetics.

Also read: Eating Pizza and Chocolate Doesn’t Always Make You Fat

“It can be enjoyed with warm or cold water to make a drink. It is better not to brew it with hot water above 80 degrees Celsius, because the flavanol content will decrease,” said Juliana Wijaya.

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