Home » today » World » This Chinese journalist unloads the first source of Corona Virus in Wuhan, this is his friend who immediately shocked the world!

This Chinese journalist unloads the first source of Corona Virus in Wuhan, this is his friend who immediately shocked the world!

Suar.ID – To this day the world is still in fear corona virus or Covid-19 this.

As you know, this deadly virus is thought to originate from Wuhan, China.

Not long ago a citizen journalist uncovered the case corona virus to the public.

This woman uploaded a video in the virology laboratory Wuhan which is thought to be the first source of the emergence of the deadly virus.

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Ms. Zhang Zhan, 40, was finally arrested by security forces.

Dailamail.co.uk reports that Shanghai, China resident Zhang Zhan has been arrested on suspicion of ‘inciting strife and provoking problems’.

Such accusations are often made by the Chinese police against activists.

Zhang Zhan is believed to be the fourth Chinese citizen reporter who has disappeared or been detained after sending a shipment from Wuhan China during the Covid-19 outbreak.

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