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This Causes Stomach Acid to Rise

Acid reflux occurs because stomach acid rises into the esophagus. When food enters the stomach, it enters through a valve which is often called a muscle ring or esophageal sphincter (LES).

Usually, the LES automatically closes as soon as the food is passed. However, if the LES is not completely closed, acid produced by the stomach can move up into the esophagus. This condition is called increased stomach acid. Acid reflux is a common condition but can cause discomfort, burning heat, and heartburn. If symptoms of acid reflux occur more than twice a week, a person may be suffering from a medical disorder gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Factors that cause gastric acid to rise

One of the common causes of acid reflux disease is a stomach disorder called a hiatal hernia. This occurs when the upper part of the stomach and the LES move over the diaphragm, the muscle that separates the stomach and chest. Quoting WebMD, usually the diaphragm helps keep acid in one’s stomach. But if a person has a hiatal hernia, acid can rise into the esophagus and cause symptoms of acid reflux disease. Here are other common factors that cause stomach acid to rise:

Eat large portions or lie down after eating

A person is advised not to lie down after eating. In addition, eat just enough so that stomach acid does not rise.

Being overweight or obese

Being overweight can increase the risk of gastric acid and GERD due to excess abdominal fat causing pressure on the abdominal area.

Eat while lying down

Eating while lying down is not allowed because in addition to choking, it will affect the work of the stomach in processing food.

Have a snack at bedtime

Actually there is no problem snacking at bedtime, but it is advisable to choose the right snacks and limit the portions. Types of snacks that are safe for consumption by people with stomach acid include non-acidic fruits such as avocado, papaya, banana, apple, melon, watermelon; nuts; pretzels; roasted corn chips; edamame. In addition, avoid food or drinks such as drinking coffee too often because it can interfere with the work of the stomach.

Eat sour and spicy foods

Eating certain foods such as oranges, tomatoes, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy and fatty foods can trigger stomach acid. Spicy, fatty, and oily foods are foods that trigger stomach acid. This is because spicy, fatty and oily foods contain lots of chilies, oils, and fats that can stimulate increased stomach acid production.

Drink alcohol, soda, coffee and tea

Consuming drinks that contain alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated drinks can trigger acid reflux. Consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause irritation, which can gradually erode the stomach. As a result, the digestive system will be more susceptible to the side effects of increased stomach acid production.

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