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This Causes Sore Throat When Swallowing

telusur.co.id – You must have felt uncomfortable when you have a sore throat. The disorder causes you pain when swallowing and activities also become disrupted. Therefore, a sore throat that occurs must be treated immediately.

Generally, pain when swallowing is caused by inflammation. In fact, not all sore throats are caused by this.

Therefore, you should know other things that can cause a sore throat.

There are many reasons why someone experiences pain when swallowing. It may be caused by an infection or a pill swallowed by the wrong route. Even so, you may experience more serious disorders of these two things.

You may feel pain in many parts of your mouth, such as your throat, along your throat, to the middle of your chest.

To find out the disorder for sure, you can see a doctor, especially if the disorder doesn’t go away. Ensuring disturbances that occur early can speed up the healing that is carried out.

However, you may have a sore throat that isn’t caused by inflammation. Indeed, most people identify disorders of the throat with inflammation, even though this is not necessarily true.

Apart from inflammation, this causes pain in the throat which causes difficulty swallowing, quoted from hellodocamong others:

1. Bacterial infection

The first cause of painful swallowing is caused by a bacterial infection. This causes you to have a sore throat. When this happens, the tonsils are swollen. Someone who has a bacterial infection in their throat should receive antibiotic treatment. If not treated immediately, you can experience serious complications, such as heart or kidney damage.

2. Wounds in the Throat

Another cause of sore throat is the occurrence of injuries to that part. One of the causes of swallowing pain is caused by consuming food or drink that is too hot or too sharp to cause injury. Therefore, you can prevent this disorder from happening by making sure the food is smooth when it passes through the throat so it doesn’t cause injury.

3. Stomach Acid Disease

You can also experience a sore throat caused by stomach acid. This is generally caused by chronic stomach acid disorders. When this happens, you can experience stomach acid rising up into your esophagus causing irritation to the walls in that area. As a result, you will experience pain when swallowing.

4. Infections that Cause Flu or Sinus

Sore throat makes it hard to swallow. One of the causes of a sore throat is an infection that causes you to have a cold or sinus. This happens the day before you experience other symptoms, such as a runny nose and cough. To overcome this disorder, you can get more rest and consume more fluids.

5. Drought

A dry throat can also make your throat hurt when you swallow. The reason is, dry air makes your throat feel rough and itchy so it’s uncomfortable when swallowing. In addition, breathing through your mouth due to a blocked nose can also cause your throat to be dry and sore.

The following are causes of pain when swallowing other than inflammation that can attack the throat. Some disorders can cause severe abnormalities.

Therefore, you must always take care of that part by drinking lots of water and consuming something soft so that your throat doesn’t hurt.

How to Prevent Sore Throat

Reported from WebMD, there are several ways you can do to prevent a sore throat. One of them is quitting smoking (for smokers) and avoiding cigarette smoke (for non-smokers) so as not to become passive smokers.

In addition, one of the causes of a sore throat is an infection due to having a cold or sinus. Therefore, several steps to avoid this disease also need to be done, including:

  • Avoid meeting people who are sick.
  • Wash your hands regularly using water and soap.
  • Do not share food, drink or cutlery.
  • Avoid touching your face if you haven’t washed your hands.
  • Eat a healthy diet with balanced nutrition.
  • Make sure you get enough rest.
  • Ensure body hydration is maintained (drinking lots of fluids).[Fhr]

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