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This Cause You Woke Up Before You Sound Alarm Sounds: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – There are many ways for someone to wake up from sleep, one of which is using an alarm. One of the reasons for activating the alarm is of course to wake up on time.

Have you ever woken up more often before the alarm goes off? Quoting from IFL ScienceHere are some reasons why you might always wake up earlier before your alarm goes off.


Your body has circadian rhythms that regulate your wake cycle. External factors can affect your circadian rhythm, when it gets dark at night, your eyes send a signal to the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that determines your energy levels and helps maintain your circadian rhythm, that you should feel tired by now.

Then your brain responds dutifully, sending signals to your body to release melatonin which makes you feel tired. Your body clock works best if you have a routine, if you go to bed at the same time every night, it will get used to the amount of sleep you need and know when to wake up in the morning.

If you have a consistent wake-up routine, waking up at the same time each day, your body begins to increase its PER levels, including blood pressure and body temperature, and release hormones such as cortisol that help you deal with stress. an hour before you normally wake up, helping make it easier for you to head into a new day.

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Not Delaying Waking Up

Basically, your body hates alarms and doesn’t want to be disturbed. It indicates that your body is so trained that it knows exactly when to wake up in a few minutes.

Unfortunately, sometimes that also translates to feeling panicked on waking up with a shocked thought that he thought he missed the alarm.


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