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This can improve poor blood circulation

The poor blood circulation It can have many and diverse causes, but the main ones have to do with bad eating habits. Whatever the reason, some tips can help avoid this problem and the inconvenience that comes with it.


Perform massages. With a cream or essential oils of mint or rosemary you can perform a gentle but firm massage that should begin at the feet. Then, go up until you reach the thighs. In this way it is achieved increase blood flow and those annoying circulatory problems are significantly reduced.

Avoid sedentary lifestyle. It has to be done exercise daily. Sightseeing at a fast pace and nadar They are two good examples.

Good nutrition is key. There are foods that help lower blood pressure: spinach, celery, sunflower seeds, avocado, chocolate, citrus fruits or fish. In addition, you must introduce foods with fiber into your diet, reduce salt intake and hydrate yourself well.

Contrasts of cold water in the shower. It may be beneficial to take a cold water or contrast shower on the legs, alternating cold and warm water. Cold water has a vasoconstrictive effectthe veins close a little and pump blood back to the heart better.

Clothes. Better to choose light, comfortable and breathable clothes that do not constrict.

Raise your legs. When you get home, the ideal is to spend a few minutes relaxing by slightly elevating your legs. In this way you help blood return more easily and activate blood circulation.

Quit smoking. Tobacco causes circulatory diseases and can increase blood pressure.

The most vulnerable

Las women over 65 years old the most vulnerable. Specifically, from menopauseIn general, around the age of 40 is when problems either appear or worsen if they were already present, such as heavy legs.

Therefore, it is necessary for this population group to remain especially active, following the recommendations to improve blood circulationwith special emphasis on hydration and cold water or contrast showers on the legs.

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