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This bothers the Swedes more in traffic

The Goodyear tire company has produced what Swedes are most bothered by traffic during the winter months and at the same time gives three tips.

Being stressed in traffic is unfortunately not unusual. However, stress can cause irritation among motorists, which means a greater safety risk. A vicious spiral, in other words.

1,000 Swedes about what bothers them

The Goodyear tire manufacturer they asked 1,000 Swedes what bothers them most in winter traffic.

The result at the top of the list is motorists who drive carelessly or too close to their car. This is something more than half have popped up as a reason for angry faces behind the wheel.

Other things that annoy Swedes in winter traffic are people talking on the phone while driving and people who don’t start blinking in time.

Adapted driving is safer

A large part, almost three-quarters of the interviewed group, replied that they themselves adapt their driving in winter by keeping a greater distance from the car in front.

Other precautions Swedes take during the winter are to reduce speed and make sure to brake first.

The right tires and tread depth are important, especially in winter. (Photo: Goodyear)

When it comes to knowing the tread depth for different tires, the younger group interviewed has a poorer understanding of what actually applies.

This is what the model depth law says

Only 36% in the 18-29 age group know what depth of the model the law requires. Compare that to the 60+ age group, where 61% know what applies.

The law says that the minimum depth of summer tires must be 1.6mm and winter tires must be 3.0mm. However, it is advisable to change in time to prevent aquaplaning and slipping.

Helpful tips

Goodyears has some tips for safe driving on winter roads:

  • Check the car. Make sure all the snow on the car is gone, especially the roof and lights. Also make sure that the washer fluid is available and mixed properly to avoid freezing.
  • Check the tires. When switching to winter tires, it is important to make sure they are in good condition and filled with air to the specified air pressure.
  • Take it easy. On slippery surfaces, greater caution is required in the form of greater distance from the car in front. It is also important to brake smoothly to avoid skidding.

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