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This artificial intelligence can help detect breast cancer more accurately

The Lancet Digital Health research ensures that artificial intelligence will help detect breast cancer with great precision.

By: Newsroom TodayCrypto

July 16, 2022 2:47 p.m. –

GERMANY.- The investigation of Lancet Digital Health ensures that artificial intelligence will help detect breast cancer with a higher success rate and greater accuracy than that of health workers.

German scientists tested a new method used to detect breast cancer, which can help both patients and doctors themselves. This method is about a artificial intelligence that examines mammogramss and is able to determine whether or not the patient is sick.

The investigation in Lancet Digital Health ensures that such intelligence could have a higher success rate; however, many might consider this an ‘attack’ on the wisdom of the professionals; but, artificial intelligence was created to save lives of patients.

Likewise, the artificial intelligence used in the tests was developed by Vara, which is an emerging company and everything seems to point to great success.

Furthermore, according to statistics, Vara’s AI has already been used in a quarter of detection centers breast cancer in Germany; country where said company originated.

This is how Artificial Intelligence works to detect breast cancer.

In MIT Technology Review It is commented that the AI ​​currently has two modalities: the first is capable of analyzing the X-rays by itself; the second, for its part, helps to differentiate which are those results that appear to be normal and which could reflect a problem for the patient’s health.

For the final decision, the Artificial Intelligence is in charge of sending the results to the professional radiologists. Thus, the sample could be examined more thoroughly, avoiding a false positive by the AI. In the event that the submitted samples contain traces of cancer that could have been overlooked by the doctor, the AI ​​will send an alert for another review.

Also, and finally, AI results were compared to 82,851 other mammograms from different centersyes In addition, the second study was not part of the first, so the intelligence agencies did not know the proposed data in advance.

With the help of Vara’s AI, the radiologists showed a 2.6% improvement in detection. Of course, this would only apply to breast cancer-related X-rays.

However, Vara’s AI cannot detect breast cancer on its own, because when it was attempted to do so, it obtained poorer results than when the radiologists themselves did.

Currently, Artificial Intelligence is used in specialized cancer detection centers in Germany; and, in addition, he saw his appearances in an important hospital in Mexico and in Greece.

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