Walking, cycling or swimming… which sport burns the most calories?
There are many sports that a person can use to maintain their weight, such as walking, cycling and swimming. Most people think that spending hours and days in the gym is a scary thing.
The British newspaper “The Telegraph” asked the trainer Sam Quinn, who said: “My advice is to find out what suits you, and do activities that you enjoy, because do you have a favorite type of exercise to burn calories; “It’s about finding the sport that best suits your abilities,” and comparing sports to what you need to burn 250 calories.
Walk 3500 steps
Quinn says the benefits of walking are that it’s “cheap, simple and effective, and shouldn’t be underestimated when trying to burn calories.” fast pace, it will burn about 250 calories.
Walking is moderate exercise and makes the heart and lungs work harder. This improves cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
It activates the muscles of the thigh, the leg, and the nose, so they are strengthened by regular walking.
“It’s a low-impact type of exercise,” Quinn said. “So it can be useful for people who are starting their weight loss journey, or if high intensity exercise is not suitable for them.”
4 kilometers
Quinn describes running as “one of the most popular forms of exercise that can improve strength, fitness levels, mental health and body composition,” and says it’s “a great way to burn calories.” to burn.”
The average person needs to run about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) to burn 250 calories, although the number depends on the intensity and progress of the run.
Running has a big effect, as it strengthens the joints and muscles, including the hips and upper body.
Quinn says that swimming is a good exercise to burn a lot of calories, and he recommends swimming about two kilometers to burn 250 calories.

He said: “Swimming helps build muscle with less stress on the joints compared to exercises such as running or cycling. Swimming has the added benefit of strengthening the muscles of the shoulders, trunk and the gluteal muscles, as well as improving posture and flexibility. “
Quinn says that cycling can be a very effective way to burn calories, and says that cycling for about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) will burn about 250 calories, although the number varies by gradient. , resistance and speed.
He says cycling helps “improve the cardiovascular system.”
weight lifting
Resistance training, such as sit-ups, push-ups and weight lifting, is good for building muscle and strength, while improving joint and bone health To burn 250 calories, we need about an hour time of training.
“Although these exercises don’t burn a lot of calories, they help improve body composition and get rid of fat, which ultimately helps burn more calories,” Quinn said.
2024-08-16 08:28:56
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