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This Afternoon’s AGMS, Bambang Brodjonegoro Called TLKM Comut

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – State-owned telecommunications company, PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (TLKM) will convene the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPST) for the 2020 financial year this afternoon, to be exact at 13.30 WIB. This annual meeting will be held at the Telkom Landmark Tower Auditorium, Jakarta.

Market sources said that Bambang Brodjonegoro, former The Indonesian Minister of Research and Technology/Head of the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency during the administration of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, it is reported that SOE Minister Erick Thohir will be appointed as the President Commissioner of Telkom replacing Rhenald Kasali.

Previously, Bambang also served as the 29th Minister of Finance of Indonesia from 27 October 2014 to 27 July 2016 and is currently a Commissioner of Bukalapak, along with the daughter of the late President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), Yenny Wahid.

“Bambang will replace Rhenald Kasali,” said a market source with knowledge of this information.

CNBC Indonesia has tried to confirm this to Bambang Brodjonegoro this afternoon, “wait for the results of the AGM,” he said briefly.

This afternoon, there are eight agendas to be discussed in RUPST, starting from approval and ratification of financial statements consolidation company for the period ending December 2020. Followed by the ratification of the Partnership and Community Development Program Annual Report (PKBL) for the same period.

The third agenda will discuss the determination of the use of the company’s net profit during the past year. Then it will also be determined regarding the bonuses and salaries of directors and commissioners for 2021.

Next is the appointment of a Public Accounting Firm (KAP) to audit the financial statements for the 2021 period. Then there is an agenda for approving changes to the company’s articles of association.

The seventh is the ratification of the rules of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) regarding management contracts and the last is the change in the composition of the company’s management.

Throughout last year Telkom’s net profit rose 11.5% to Rp 20.80 trillion last year, compared to the same period in 2019, Rp 18.66 trillion, while revenue also rose 0.7% to Rp 136.46 trillion from previously Rp 135.57 trillion.

EBITDA The company in 2020 was recorded at Rp 72.08 trillion at 11.2%. Management revealed that this achievement gives a signal of optimism that digitalization can be the driving force for handling Covid-19 and national economic recovery.

The following are the current management ranks of the company.


President Commissioner : Rhenald Kasali

Commissioner : Marsudi Revelation Kisworo

Commissioner : Ahmad Intellectual Assegaf

Commissioner : Wawan Iriawan

Commissioner : Chandra Arie Setiawan

Commissioner : Alex Denni

Commissioner : Ismail

Commissioner : Marcelino Pandin

Commissioner : Rizal Mallarangeng


President Director : Laughter Adriansyah

Director of Finance : Here Surpriadi

Director of Consumer Service : FM Venusiana R

Direktur Network & IT Solution : Herlan Wijanarko

Director of Digital Business : Muhammad Fajrin Rashid

Director of Strategic Portfolio : Budi Setyawan Wijaya

Director of Wholesale & International Service : Dian Rachmawan

Director of Human Capital Management : Afriwandi

Director of Enterprise & Business Service : Edi Witjara.

From the capital market, at the close of session I, this Friday (28/5), stocks TLKM minus 2.07% at Rp 3,310/share with a market capitalization of Rp 328 trillion. In the past week, the shares have been stagnant and in the last month, the shares of Telkomsel’s parent company have risen 2%.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(bag bag)

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