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Third National Vaccination Day: Eradicating Diseases and Saving Lives

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection will develop the Third National Vaccination Day, today, under the slogan ‘Vaccinating saves Lives’, in response to the public policy of preventive, predictive and primary care health to strengthen the actions of the Expanded Immunization Program-PAI and National Vaccination Plan against covid-19.

(Keep reading: Oxford University Malaria Vaccine Receives Approval in Burkina Faso.)

The proposed goal is to eradicate, eliminate and control diseases and deaths
due to preventable causes and reach an average goal of three million people vaccinated, among older adults, adults, pregnant women, children who are protected with the biologicals available within the PAI and the National Vaccination Plan against covid-19.

As announced by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the commitment is to reach all municipalities, indigenous reservations, the Afro-Colombian population and in general the entire population subject to the PAI.

(Keep reading: WHO calls for improved access to testing for sexually transmitted infections.)

Goals vaccination day in July.

On this central day of the journey, it is estimated to protect through vaccination, at more
of a million people in the national territory.

It is important to remember that vaccination against influenza and covid-19 must be guaranteed to risk groups such as children over 6 months, pregnant women, adults
the elderly, people with basic diseases and human talent in health.

As a strategy to achieve the greatest possible coverage and a real impact on
public health, the Ministry of Health will have an intramural and extramural vaccination service, house-to-house, as well as fixed posts in areas of population concentration, and displacement to dispersed or difficult-to-access rural areas.

(You may be interested: Four out of five people will be infected with HPV at some point in their lives.)

According to the National Institute of Health (INS) so far this year, cases of Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis and Meningococcus have been identified; severe diseases that can cause disabling conditions or even death and that are preventable by vaccines.

For this reason, the portfolio called on all parents with children under 6 years of age to attend vaccination points that have 22 vaccines that fight 30 diseases. All of these vaccines are safe, effective, and free.

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2023-07-29 20:32:25
#Free #vaccination #Colombia #vaccines #protect #diseases #applied

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