At the Chancón Plant Mine School, the third session of the Mining Roundtable “Transforming the mining industry in O’Higgins” was held, which included the participation of mining actors, public-private entities and the academic world, such as Codelco division El Teniente, Ciptemín, Corfo, the Regional Government of O’Higgins, the Adolfo Ibañez University, the Seremi de Minería, the Pro-O’Higgins Corporation and the College of Builders, among others.
On the occasion, the supplier development advisor of the Alta Ley Corporation participated, who presented the work that is being carried out by this entity for the development of the internalization of Chilean mining suppliers. The development of this mining table will allow the construction of a work roadmap, to meet the challenges posed around O’Higgins and mining from which the transformation of the industry can be expanded at a national and international level, in the mining and other sectors.
“As Alta Ley we are developing a series of initiatives and activities for the growth and internalization of suppliers, considering that Chille must not only export minerals, but can also export products and services of national origin. “We are developing a catalog that is a directory, so that all suppliers can be registered, regardless of the size, complexity or sophistication of what they offer, so that there can be a national registry of all Chilean mining suppliers.” , highlighted Jorge Barrios, Supplier Development Advisor of the Alta Ley Corporation.
The Corporation is developing a portfolio of export suppliers, where companies that have a scientific-technological base with export capacity will be selected and are also developing videos and information pages about the Chinese markets, since the Chilean Commission survey del Cobre, Cochilco, determined that the big problem for internalization to export and reach foreign markets of suppliers is the lack of knowledge of our country’s markets.
“Link the supplier development table of the O’Higgins region with the developments that are being made at the country and also at the international level. It is essential, understanding the roadmap that we are designing to be able to globalize solutions that are born in the region and that manage to impact different markets, through the challenges that the mining sector and the value chain of the mining world face today. The fact of having had the supplier development leader of the Alta Ley Corporation precisely seeks that purpose so that we can chart a long-term development, which involves regional development to export services to our country and the main mining regions of the world. “said the academic of the Adolfo Ibañez University and director of the Institute of Clean Technologies, Víctor Pérez.
“It should be noted that the development of this table is part of the emblematic initiative of Corfo O’Higgins, which seeks to contribute to the productive diversification of the region, through the generation of conditions to enhance the development of service providers to the “mining, by strengthening human capital, promoting new ventures and encouraging mining technological innovation and that is why we have open calls with a focus on mining and thus be able to support the creation of new suppliers of mining and other services,” said the regional director of Corfo O’Higgins, Óscar Ávila.
It should be mentioned that in the O’Higgins region there is the largest underground copper mine in the world, which is Codelco El Teniente division and that only 3% of the mining suppliers are from the region. These public-private initiatives will allow the introduction of innovation and new technologies in the industry, as well as the creation of new suppliers that are from the region.

#Mining #Roundtable #met #Rancagua