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Thionville. Theft and attempted theft committed while driving a stolen car

On New Year’s Eve, the 30-year-old was obviously not in a festive mood. On the night between December 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021, he broke into private homes in Thionville. The couple were sleeping when he stole their C3 keys, a computer and a phone. The intruder then walked away and lived in the car for a few days.

He went to Sierck-les-Bains, Cattenom, Audun-le-Tiche and even to the border with Luxembourg. In three days, she tried several times to steal items left in parked cars, breaking part of the front window. Eventually he got his hands on two or three wallets. He will only be able to afford one meal at a snack bar. On January 4, 2021, the Citroën C3 was found burnt in Fameck.

The court gives him a chance

The young man was presented on Tuesday before the Thionville Criminal Court. Tall, thin, all in black, he didn’t hide. He had been identified trying to use a stolen credit card at a distributor in Luxembourg. As in police custody, he confessed everything. Except the C3 vehicle fire. Even his lawyer, Me Staudt, recalled that the investigation does not prove it. The defendant was released.

On the other hand, he was convicted of the fourteen thefts and attempted theft committed in recidivism in the north of the Moselle. His record already had a dozen mentions for the same kind of facts. He had just been released from detention last August. But this time the court gives him a chance.

The accused has found a place in a house in Metz and works as a temporary worker. He received a one-year probation sentence. He will be subject to the obligation to work and treat his alcohol problems for at least two years. He will also have to compensate the only three victims who are civil parties in this case. Finally, the court prohibited him from owning a weapon for five years.

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