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Thionville. The multi-municipal police widens its scope of action

As announced last week in our columns, the multi-municipal police are expanding. It already includes Thionville, Manom ​​and Terville and will expand its missions to Angevillers, Tressange and Fontoy who have requested it.

From September 15, these localities will be able to benefit from the presence of two agents for a few hours per week (8 hours for Fontoy; 4 hours for Tressange, 2 hours for Angevillers). The missions remain classic: surveillance of public roads; respect for parking and speed; monitoring of public demonstrations, etc. The subject was presented to the city council on Monday evening.

Brigitte Vaïsse (opposition) winced first. “Why don’t you go all the way and create a community police? ” Pierre Cuny, with jubilation: “I lead the council of the agglomeration in a completely democratic way, you know it well…” More seriously, he developed: “Each municipality remained free to want to use or not the services of such a font. Some mayors are not interested”.

This is the case of Yutz, for example, where the municipality wants to keep control of the missions assigned to its local police.

An extension with a constant workforce

Opposition councilor Manon Pellicori took over: “How do you think you can offer a quality public service by asking more tasks from the same number of agents? The question has its relevance indeed, since the expansion of the scope of intervention will be done with constant staff.

“It’s ‘thanks’ to the 1,607 hours! We recover hours which make it possible to fill the interventions in the communes ”, released the assistant to the Security Christiane Zanoni, in reference to the new rule of the working time of the communal agents.

This did not convince Brigitte Vaïsse; she voted against while regretting that we apply locally “what is happening at the national level: fewer resources and fewer local services”.

Burst Questions

A few minutes later, the left-wing elected official reiterated this argument when validating the coordination agreement for the multi-municipal police and state security forces. One word in the other, the debate suddenly deviated on the problem of squatted apartments on the Côte des Roses. Brigitte Vaïsse also asked for an update on travellers.

The mayor responded. On the Côte des Roses, “we spend hours and hours on this file! but “I can’t go against the law”. To sum up: Tour du Chevreuil, housing remains occupied illegally and in unsanitary conditions. Justice is seized, a contradictory debate must take place soon. Only then can the eviction of illegal occupants take place.

Concerning the Travelers who settle in small groups where they see fit, Pierre Cuny admits: “We are all exasperated! He returns the ball to the state and parliamentarians “to enforce the law”. Moreover, “with the 112 places available at Yutz, we are compliant”.

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