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Thionville. The Maison du Luxembourg supports cross-border workers and answers questions

A privileged interlocutor

With 15,000 requests for information per year – a little less in 2020 due to the epidemic – it has established itself as a privileged interlocutor for French people working in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. All questions relating to employment, unemployment, taxation (in partnership with the company Neofisc), family benefits, training, pensions and pensions, social security, and legal aid can be discussed here and find answer.

The principle is simple: you just have to come on site (one person at a time) from Tuesday to Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. without an appointment, or with appointment on Wednesday and Thursday morning.

A place to listen

The Maison du Luxembourg is a place of welcome but also “listening”, as its director Isabelle Lan explains. “It happens that people come to us for a dispute with their employer because they are ill. This is particularly the case of foreign workers authorized to stay and work in France, who are hired in Luxembourg ”.

Legal assistance can be offered to them in particular through AFAL (the association of frontier workers in Luxembourg) and Frontaliers Grand Est.

More and more exchanges by email

Covid-19 requires. Discussions are increasingly taking place by electronic mail (at the following address: [email protected]). Each question is dealt with by an advisor within a timeframe which may vary depending on the news – tax declaration, application for scholarships, etc. -, and the number of pending requests.

Border workers in Luxembourg: the 2020 guide is available

Cross-border workers or future workers in Luxembourg, the 2020 guide is there to support them in their procedures, everything from labor law to tax law, including social protection and assistance.

This new, fully updated version is available for free download at www.frontaliers-grandest.eu. The guide can also be sent free of charge by post on condition that you pre-order it by sending, name, first name and address to [email protected].

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