Pierre Cuny wants to breathe new life into Thionville, launch the city on a strong dynamic, and he makes it known. At a press conference on Tuesday, the mayor of Thionville and president of the Portes de France Thionville agglomeration community, listed, one by one, the major projects that are close to his heart and that will be launched or completed in 2021.
2. The hospital hotel
The laying of the first stone of the hospital hotel, near Bel-Air. This hospitable hotel will be located on Place Sainte-Anne. It will have 25 housing units in hospital residences for patients and their families, and 50 housing units for doctors in training and students.
3. Ambroise-Paré clinic in Yutz
The building permit for the new Ambroise-Paré clinic in Yutz will be submitted this year. In 2018, the Ambroise-Paré clinic in Thionville presented a move to the Yutz-Meilbourg area. The Louis-Pasteur santé group, owner of the establishment, will invest € 32 million to rebuild a 12,000 m² clinic.
4. The Saint-Pierre district
The launch of reconstruction studies for the Saint-Pierre district. The rehabilitation of the first building is scheduled for 2022.
5. The Jean-Burger gymnasium
The reconstruction of the Jean-Burger gymnasium, demolished before the holidays.
6. Guentrange school
Renovation work on the Guentrange school for € 2.5 million.
8. The Trade Office
The opening of the Commercial Office on February 15, as part of the Action Cœur de Ville program.
9. The Ecological Transition Committee
The launch of the Ecological Transition Committee, the Council of Elders and the Cercle des Frontaliers, within the framework of participatory democracy. In this spirit, elected neighborhood referents have also been put in place to cover the city and make the link with citizens who will be able to speak to them directly by sending them emails.
10. The Basse-Ham swimming pool
The start of the works, in May-June, of the community swimming pool of Basse-Ham for 12 M € and that of the new community technical center in Terres Rouges, near Kinepolis.
12. Le Smitu
The extension of the perimeter of the Mixed Syndicate of Urban Transport of Thionville which now has 35 municipalities and that Pierre Cuny would like to increase to 99 …