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Thionville, Terville, Florange. 5G is operational for a few euros more

Orange is developing 5G in France. It has been deployed for a year in the Grand Est. What about the Thionville region?

Ludovic GUILCHER : “For the past few days, 5G has been a reality in Thionville, Terville and Florange. We started the launch a year ago in Mulhouse. More than forty municipalities in Lorraine, including Metz and Forbach, are provided. It’s the beginning. We focused on the big cities. This deployment was designed to avoid the saturation of 4G within twelve or even eighteen months. 5G is like a motorway: we relieve traffic by adding an axis to the national road. “

What are the benefits of 5G?

“Everything is going faster. Five to six times compared to 4G, it’s snapshot. For video on demand and streaming, this is the best. We gain in speed and comfort. For connection sharing when you are telecommuting, this is what is done best. 5G is for everyone: individuals and businesses. Students also for video lessons. 5G is the future. We reduce latency for telemedicine, for example. We will need it for robots in companies, but also to drive autonomous cars. “

How much does it cost to switch to 5G?

« 5G is pocket fiber. We bring technology. Obviously, you will need a compatible phone and a package. You can subscribe from € 20.99 per month for the first year, or a few extra euros. As for 4G enthusiasts, they may rest assured, we are developing the offer and the coverage, we need this 4G to bring 5G to life. “

Can we expect 6G in a few years?

“Yes, internationally, we are already working on it. Every ten years, we have to change mobile standards. We need innovative technology. On the other hand, we remain on the face-to-face and digital workshops open to users. We keep our stores, a number for customers, a digital chat. We are above all a public service. And let border crossers be reassured, 5G will be present in stations and airports. “

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