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Thionville. Suspicious death of the Malinois entrusted to the dog handler

” No that’s not true. Endlessly repeated. Objected. Throughout the hearing on Thursday, February 18, the defendant, a dog handler by profession, will reject outright the accusations of serious abuse and acts of animal cruelty. In this case, a 2-year-old Belgian Malinois shepherd, entrusted to him by an acquaintance residing in Clouange who went on leave, who would never see his dog alive again. Worse: his body will be found buried in the victim’s garden, with several skin perforations. Analyzed by a veterinarian, these holes appear “too sharp to be bites”. Still according to the specialist, “no hematoma was found around these injuries, so it could not be a bullet perforation.” What then happened to the Belgian Shepherd?

Blank medical record

Charge to President Lambert to lift the thick fog in this case where the respondent gave, recalls the magistrate, several versions according to his interlocutors. A hunting accident? “No”, maintains the father. Physical damage caused … by a hedgehog? ” No more. And this confidence of the dog handler to a protagonist questioned by the investigators, who reports a burial of the corpse at the back of a supermarket? “False also”, insists the professional dog training.

The question remains: how to explain the death of the dog, whose medical file does not mention any pathology, any failure of its owner?

The Thionville judicial court leaves itself until March 10 to rule. On the understanding that the public prosecutor requested a 3-month suspended prison sentence, the prohibition on owning a dog and keeping one on behalf of others for five years. And that the civil party claimed € 1,300 in damages.

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