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Thionville. Portes de France and Val de Fensch merger: yes, but more?

On Saturday, Pierre Cuny and Michel Liebgott organized a press conference in Nilvange to formalize their common desire to merge the two agglomeration communities they preside, namely Portes de France-Thionville and Val de Fensch (read RL of December 12 ). While some elected officials said they were surprised by the method, others are asking questions. Starting with Olivier Postal, 2e vice-president at Portes de France. “This press conference is an idea of ​​the two presidents. We are announced a marriage but I want to know who I am marrying. Do we have hooked atoms? The bride can be pretty, but it remains to be seen if we have a common vision and what our life project will look like. That said, we have obvious concordances, ”tempers the mayor of Terville. The mayor of Yutz, Clémence Pouget, also wants to be cautious. “We will have to discuss, discover each other, reflect. It is however important to represent a weight in the North Moselle to be able to count with the Department, the Region and Luxembourg. “For the first vice-president of Portes de France,” this merger makes sense, but not at any price. The subject that should not be missed is mobility. In the end, the objective will be to make life easier for our fellow citizens ”.

“He decides and then he tells us”

In the ranks of the opposition, Brigitte Vaïsse (PS) is perhaps the most perplexed. “Even though I know there has been a contact for a year, I was completely unaware of these announcements. Even if announcements for announcements, that never served much purpose… The only question to ask is whether it is essential to improve the quality of life and of services within the two towns ”, she believes. “Now, if it’s just a political step to gain legitimacy in order to be able to speak with the representatives of Luxembourg or the State, I would just remind you that this role has already been devolved to the President of the Grand Est Region. “Guy Harau, municipal councilor in Thionville (Europe Écologie Les Verts) is not” opposed to this merger. With 150,000 inhabitants, that gives additional resources and above all something to do. What is regrettable is that in this agglomeration community, the president decides and only afterwards does he tell us about it. And again, I learned it in the press… ”, castigates the elected ecologist who wonders:“ In the end, what is the real project for this new territory? His party comrade in the Yutz municipal council, Pascal Landragin, shares this point of view. “There is no opposition in principle. We would change scale compared to Metz-Métropole for example. There may be an added value. There remains the question of governance and management of the structure. There, we can be worried. “

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