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Thionville. Paid parking prices are increasing: so what?

Plus 3 € the subscription

A seemingly painless measure. This is evidenced by the bypass taken by Pierre Cuny during the last city council, that of simple communication and not of voting, to ratify the new pricing for paid parking in the city center.

In detail: the tariff cost relating to the different zones (yellow, red and blue) provides for an increase of between 20 and 40 euro cents per hour of parking. As for monthly subscriptions, they undergo a “moderate” increase, in the opinion of the mayor, of the order of 3 €.

“Won’t this increase impact the attractiveness policy of the city center? And does this foreshadow a future public service delegation? asks opposition councilor Philippe Noller (PC).

If the mayor has eluded the second question, on the other hand, he rejects the idea of ​​any commercial impact: “Business is picking up very well in town with a vacancy rate today at 10%. And I remind you that the many free slots remain unchanged. »

Minus €600,000 in revenue

This change in the price of parking follows a “benchmarking” operation carried out by the municipality. This term “so” trend designates a marketing technique aimed at carrying out a comparative study.

In this case, “we have benchmarked and it appears that our prices are very low compared to cities in our stratum”, assures Pierre Cuny. Which also recalls the reduction in the monthly subscription, “from 40 to 35 €”, granted two years ago. Or the long periods of free parking granted during the health crisis: “This represents a loss of €600,000 in parking-related revenue since 2014.” Hence this readjustment, “moderate”.

Four hours allowed

This upward revision of the pricing policy, however minimal it may be, portends a broader overhaul of parking in Thionville.

The upcoming implementation of blue zone pricing at the Veymerange stadium converges towards this new course: “It is not acceptable to occupy these places to avoid using the P + R of Metzange. I remind you, the subscription to take advantage of this very high level installation is only 10 €. »

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A new blue horizon, so dear to the mayor, is also taking shape above the Liberty car park: “Today, many cross-border commuters, who are also from outside the city, come to park there to also get around the park and ride, laments Pierre Cuny. A reflection on the establishment of a blue zone of four hours is in progress. Because if we do nothing, in a year, we will no longer be able to park in town from 8 am. »

And to establish the point by “benchmarking”: “We must be the only city to offer 850 parking spaces free of charge. »

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