Home » News » Thionville Municipality Sells Land of Former Nursing Home for €2.6 Million – Opponent Lionel Bieder Approves

Thionville Municipality Sells Land of Former Nursing Home for €2.6 Million – Opponent Lionel Bieder Approves

The municipality has recorded the sale of the land right-of-way where the former Les Épis d’Or nursing home is located at a price of €2.6 million. Miracle: this sale received the approval of Lionel Bieder, a reputed opponent who is very critical of this type of operation. Only Brigitte Vaïsse (PS) voiced her disapproval.

Par Jean-Michel CAVALLI

Yesterday at 07:00

“It’s not crazy…” No, the majority did not dream. Renowned for stigmatizing the real estate operations carried out by the City, Lionel Bieder for once found no fault. Much earlier during the last municipal council, the leader of the opposition group Thionville Le Renouveau had however signaled himself in his usual register by criticizing the return, to the vote, of a deliberation relating to the sale of a building complex bordering Thionville station.

Worse still, it is by the voice of the mayor Pierre Cuny that he would have learned of his defeat in another “affair”. The administrative court of Strasbourg dismissed his appeal relating to the sale of land, rue du Vieux-Collège, to the Habiter Promotion group. A judgment notified to the parties, the very morning of the council…

“Here, the price is higher for a much smaller area…”

On the borders of this endless municipal round, the opponent visibly took these setbacks well by welcoming the transfer of a land right of way, Lamartine loop.

The transaction concerns the sale of the building which housed, until 2019, the Les Épis d’Or nursing home. Demathieu Bard put 2.6 M€ on the table to acquire this building with an area of ​​3,000 m². The developer’s project is to convert the premises by creating around fifty housing units: “€2.6 million for 3,000 m²? It’s not…” Funny, then.

It is not the voice of Lionel Bieder which resounded at the time of recording this sale. But that of another opponent, Brigitte Vaïsse (PS). Which stopped briefly on the amount of this operation by correlating it with the sale mentioned above, place de la Gare: “We are entitled to question ourselves when we see the delta between these two sales: here, the price is higher for a much smaller area…”

Not enough to crumble the certainties of Roger Schreiber, deputy town planning: “The price of m² of activity does not have the same value as the m² of habitat. The pass of arms did not go further, the intervention of Brigitte Vaïsse going beyond simple accounting considerations.

A decried orientation

The elected opposition especially regrets the return of this former Ehpad to the private park. An orientation against the current, according to her, of the initial project: “Next to this Ehpad, we have three buildings in senior residence accessible, from a financial point of view, to people who live in social housing or who have little resources, she describes. The primary objective was to enlarge this residence. »

And to conclude, also in her favorite register: “In recent years, we have seen retirement homes flourish in Thionville top of the line. By tipping this heritage to make it into private housing, we therefore deprive ourselves of the possibility of extending this residence offer at controlled cost. »

More than ever, the price of m² in Thionville will remain a contentious subject on advice evenings…

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