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Thionville. He tags himself everywhere against President Macron and is nicknamed “Moselle Man”

“Burn Macron”, “Macron at the stake”, “Sale gigolo de m * rde” … With its many tags made with golden marker that target President Emmanuel Macron, everywhere on the walls of the North Moselle where he had decided to express himself, the one who is nicknamed “man of the Moselle” is now paying for the expression of his “art”.

The addition tended by the court of Thionville, this Tuesday, September 13? Nine months of imprisonment, of which six are on probation for three years, three months of detention can be agreed. Not to mention the compensation of all the civil parties, and the € 400 fine.

Present this Tuesday, September 13 at the hearing, the thirty-year-old, known to justice for similar facts, claims that he “really has no regrets”, and not specifically of the graffiti on the wind turbines of Launstroff-Waldwisse and their surroundings. Amount of cleaning: € 6,300, which the defendant must repay.

Cross-checking of complaints

Rettel, Basse-Ham, Thionville, Cattenom… The list of civil parties – city halls, Kirschnaumen Meinberg water union, individuals and companies – has grown over the course of his artistic, alcohol-inspired projections, often forcing victims to take take out the wallets to cancel the ephemeral “works” of the Moselle.

“We are in the register of signatures, of sentences that do not fly high, reformulates the deputy prosecutor Émeline Dannenberger, convinced that a qualitative leap must be made in terms of sentences to be pronounced, civil service and suspension of the sentence. they do not give the expected effect. What you have done is simply called degradation. “

Caught red-handed in 2019, the defendant may have been confused by the investigators following a lengthy work of cross-checking the complaints.

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