The Thionville judicial court has just ruled. This Tuesday, March 9, he rejected his requests from the school teacher, teacher in Thionville, who complained about the behavior of a father who was too intrusive in the foundations of secular education within his school. The public prosecutor had demanded against the father ten months in prison with a probationary suspension of two years, the prohibition of all contact with the teacher, the prohibition to appear in elementary school, and the obligation medical and psychological follow-up.
So erased the alleged acts of intimidation and harassment, which the victim deeply deplored. The Thionville court released the accused, present at the first hearing, last February, and absent at the second, this week.
“Incompatible” with his religion
At the start of the 2019 school year, the father, of Muslim faith, had repeatedly expressed his disagreement about several findings that bothered him. In particular the fact that, from the start of the school year, his daughter is sitting next to a boy. And that in the school program, too few Muslim scholars are highlighted, not to mention the important presence of cathedrals in his child’s notebook, constructions which are moreover “remarkable” according to him. Elements, from his point of view, “incompatible with his religion”.
The prosecution and the professor can appeal against this decision within ten days, if they decide to challenge the decision rendered by the court.