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Thionville. He gives a false name, scams the ex and disappears: two months suspended

The couple met on the internet in March 2020, in full confinement. He is conquered, and above all confident. The lover lends his car, a Mini Cooper, to his new girlfriend. He leaves her the key, the gray card. But after a few months the relationship ends. Young Thionvillois wants to retrieve his vehicle. The ex explains that the Mini is broken down in the garage. He then blocks the boy’s number.

The latter tries in every possible way to find her and realizes that she gave him a fake surname when they met five months ago. The lie does not end there. Because, in reality, the ex-girlfriend sold the car she loaned her. She already had the documents, all she had to do was photocopy her partner’s identity card and that’s it.

Radio silence

Justice eventually caught up with the young woman, who is now 28 years old. She was summoned on Tuesday 20 September before the Thionville Criminal Court, prosecuted for breach of trust. Pulled hair, gray jacket, flushed cheeks, the accused is silent. She strives to answer the simple questions that are put to her.

The plaintiff attorney, Me Maude Staudt, fills the void by recalling that his client has never given his consent for the sale of the Mini. Most importantly, she continued to pay off the car loan. “Why did you give a false name? What were Madame’s intentions from the beginning of the relationship? “Asks the victim’s lawyer.

“He organized this breach of trust by pretending to be someone else,” replies the deputy prosecutor, Valérie Kondratuk, who requests a six-month suspended prison sentence.

“I recognize the facts. I kept the money for myself, “whispered the young woman in his defense at last. The court will take into account his clean criminal record and will eventually issue a two-month suspended prison sentence against him. The case is deferred. civil interest next January to quantify the boy’s economic damage.

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