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Thionville. “Do not deny the dynamics of the territory”, pleads Pierre Cuny

Deputy mayor of Thionville and president of Scotat, Roger Schreiber will not comment on the decision of the Strasbourg administrative court. “The court has upheld this association…for the time being,” he said.

Prospects at the center of everything

Pierre Cuny is more talkative on the subject. The mayor resumes his argument on the collapse of building permits between 2008 and 2014, “185 dwellings built per year where at least 250 are needed to avoid losing inhabitants! […] It is true that Thionville came close to the 40,000 inhabitants mark in 2015-2016, but that was the consequence of the policy carried out under the former municipality. Since then, the trend has reversed, ”he pleads. When the judgment ticks on a population growth forecast for fifteen years estimated at +0.86% in the Scotat, the elected official rears up: “If we look closely, we are there and we will still be there. Thionville gains 500 inhabitants per year. Simply, it is necessary to support the evidence, which the figures of INSEE do not do when they come out “In the future, he suggests relying on urban planning agencies capable of providing a forecast thinner. “We cannot deny the dynamics of our territory…”

According to the mayor, the question of vacancy calls for another response: “In Thionville alone, we have reduced the number of vacant homes by 50%, but that is not enough to meet the demand for housing, we see it every day. “.

A referral and an appeal

After informing all the mayors of the Scotat perimeter of the situation, Roger Schreiber indicates that he will appeal the decision of the administrative court. The procedure is long. At the same time, an application for interim measures will be submitted to the court in order to extend the scheme in question for one year. The idea is to hold out until the next revision of the famous document, which is indeed scheduled… in mid-2014.

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