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Thionville. Are clubs like Le Prince’s coming back to life after the pandemic?

“Psychologically, it was difficult. We were bruised. “Pascal Barilaro has been through sleepless nights for the past two years. The concerns of the owner of Le Prince’s nightclub, the only lighthouse that still illuminates Thionville’s nights until early morning, have regularly obscured our columns. It must be admitted that his branch had cause for concern: during the Covid emergency, discos had bad luck. Classified as risk sites by the authorities, regularly excluded from the deconfinement phases, they seemed destined for an inevitable end.

“Personally, I never thought about lowering the curtain. Even accumulating twenty-one months of closure. “Resilient, the Thionvillois timidly reconnected with the night owls:“ During the reopening I had lost 40% of my clientele. Fault of the health card “. Then the sunny days returned, as did the smile. In July and August, Le Prince’s regained its pre-crisis participation with the peak attendance of 450 revelers who noted on Saturday: “It feels good. But let’s be careful, the situation can quickly become fragile. There remains an apprehension also due to the inflationary context of the moment “.

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The boxes avoided breaking

“For the moment there are no discos closings in Moselle. The man behind this observation is none other than Christophe Periquet. The Vice-President of the Union of Crafts and Hotel Industries of the Moselle (Umih 57) made a name for himself during the pandemic. His experience leads him to show restraint: “For now, the situation in this sector is sustainable. The boxes avoided breaking. State aid, up to 20% of their turnover, made it possible to cover the enormous costs that weigh on the profession. Partial unemployment further helped them get through this course. But now another test awaits them, or rather us, all of them. “

Payment extension over ten years?

Christophe Periquet refers to the coup of the moment: the repayment of loans guaranteed by the state. PGE for friends. The world of the night has used it massively to stay awake: “Personally, this represents 2,000 euros in reimbursement per month”, confesses the man who manages, among other things, the Irish Pub in Metz. Pascal Barilaro, for his part, mentions a global loan of around 100 thousand euros.

“Negotiations are currently underway to extend the payment over ten years, and no longer five,” said the head of Umih 57. The measure would reassure night professionals. “We will have more visibility on the survival of some nightclubs in the next six months,” he predicts. Time to appreciate the impact of the PGE, this last minute guest that club owners can’t refuse entry …

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