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Thionville. An 18,000 m³ basin to prevent flooding in Veymerange

Flood prevention is a hot topic. The torrential rains which recently fell on the Pays-Haut, Belgium but especially Germany testify to the urgency to anticipate hitherto unpredictable floods.

Locally, the Portes de France Thionville agglomeration community devotes substantial sums each year to the maintenance and development of sewerage networks and other rainwater regulation systems. Currently, special attention is being paid along the Le Veymerange stream, which winds for 10 km from the heights of the eponymous village to the Terville lake where it flows.

Despite its low flow, the small stream can potentially overflow in the event of sudden and intense bad weather, as was the case in 2016. This is why it is now a question of building a storm basin between the street. des Viornes and the route d’Arlon, in order to accommodate the effluents if necessary.

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A landscaped dike

The chosen location is this vast field visible from the departmental road that leads from the city center to Kinepolis. And it is here that the basin is called to be created. During an information meeting last week in the multifunctional room, residents were able to learn about the project. The basin in question will display rather exceptional dimensions: 300 m long by 70 wide, with a maximum depth of 1.80 m. In the end, it will have a capacity of 18,000 m³. “This is something that we do not do often,” admitted the head of the Portes de France sanitation service, who came to detail things with President Pierre Cuny and Vice-President Patricia Renaux. The basin will be surrounded by a watertight and landscaped dike, also supposed to act as a barrier to road noise. “The inhabitants will gain there”, assure the elected officials.

A gain of 20 cm

In the event that the stream should exceed its alert level, the presence of this basin can increase the flooding by 20 cm in the Veymerange. This may seem low in view of the major project planned but, according to elected officials and technicians, this may be enough to prevent the flooding of cellars and garages.

The storm basin should be completed in the first half of 2022. Portes de France has planned to devote € 1.180 million to it.

Two other sites to be treated

This investment is the first of a trilogy concerning the case of Veymerange. Downstream, two other critical points are identified: rue Dupont-des-Loges (behind the former Akers factory) and the Terville lake. In both cases, major works will have to be undertaken to prevent flooding and restore satisfactory ecological quality to the small watercourse. A long-term program.

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