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‘Thinking about a gradual start-up of the US’ • drive-thru tests on Bonaire

US corona chief Anthony Fauci hopes that the gradual start-up of the US economy can be considered in early May. If it is possible to drastically reduce the number of seriously ill people, careful consideration can be given to which states and which sectors may be given more freedom of movement.

“At the end of the month, maybe we can go and have a look and say, okay, maybe we can relax this element a bit? If so, then we will do it. If not, we will have to continue.”

Fauci did emphasize that it is then necessary to have enough tests to quickly isolate new cases. Namely, new corona patients will be added if the measures are relaxed. It is essential to prevent new outbreaks.

Fauci did not want to guarantee that the US elections in November will not be affected by the pandemic. He warned that a second wave is possible if citizens do not properly comply with the restrictions.

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