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Things You Should Never Clean with Baking Soda

Many times you could read on our website how great a household helper baking soda is. It can clean old joints, whiten yellowed plastics and rubber, in combination with vinegar it cleans waste and eliminates mould.

Therefore, the impression could have been created that if something needs to be cleaned, use baking soda and you’ve won. It is not only versatile, but also cheap and environmentally friendly.

However, there are a few things which you should never clean with soda. You could permanently scratch them. Thanks to its slightly abrasive properties, it has its limits.

Never clean glass with soda

Glass, windows, mirrors. Do not use baking soda on materials that can be scratched. It can really only create micro scratches on the glass. As a result, these can cause its matte appearance, which you cannot polish with anything. Instead of soda, reach for vinegar.

Glass ceramic hobs, which have the same risk of scratching the surface as with all other glass objects.

Gold, silver and aluminum

Gold and silver jewelry. Both gold and silver are very soft metals. That is why they are also at risk of scratching when cleaning with baking soda, and because of it, an unwanted matte appearance. If you need to clean your jewelry, try it with toothpaste instead.

Aluminum objects. Do not use baking soda to clean aluminum. Baking soda is alkaline, and if you wash aluminum with it more often, it will oxidize and turn brown. If you already clean aluminum pots with baking soda, rinse them thoroughly afterwards.

Foto: Shutterstock

Beware of stone and wood

Years marble and quartz they are not materials that welcome scrubbing with soda. With its abrasive effects, it would destroy the protective layer of marble and quartz surfaces over time and cause their irreversible damage.

Wooden furniture and floors you shouldn’t clean with baking soda either. It scratches them, wears away the varnish and putty, and gives the wood a permanently dull appearance.

Baking soda leaves a white powdery residue after drying. That’s why you should never clean with it surfaces with deep grooves and cracks. They will accumulate in them and it will be difficult for you to remove them.

Soda is not just a cleaning aid

You don’t have to use baking soda only for cleaning, but it will also serve you in the kitchen. It replaces when baking buns and cakes baking powder.

By adding a pinch of soda to the ground meat, you get meatballs that will be fluffy and juicy like never before.

Baking soda will also cure heartburn. Mix a teaspoon in a glass of water, drink it, and you will be immediately relieved.

Foto: Shutterstock

2023-10-22 17:00:00
#Baking #soda #great #helper #kill

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