Things to remember so you don’t forget everything
<a href="” title=”Get to know dementia, a disease of 'senile' that is increasingly spreading”>Vascular dementia is one of the most common types of cognitive impairment. This condition initially develops imperceptibly: a person first loses the ability to think abstractly, navigate to new places and remember information. He becomes withdrawn, suspicious, sometimes unclear, and his behavior becomes strange. As the disease progresses, cognitive functions and the ability to self-care are lost. Over time, this leads to a complete collapse of personality. The prevalence of pathology depends on age.
Nyurgustana Syrovatskaya, a neurologist at the Republican Center for Travel Teams, talked about what can accelerate the development of depression and what preventive measures can be taken.
– Nyurgustana Vasilyevna, what factors affect the likelihood of developing depression?
Dementia (lat. dementia – madness) – received dementiaa progressive decline in cognitive function with loss to varying degrees of previous acquisition experience and practical skills and the difficulty or inability to acquire new ones.
Risk factors:
– age (depression is more common among people aged 65 and over);
– high blood pressure (hypertension);
– high blood sugar (diabetes);
– overweight or obese;
– smoking;
– too much alcohol;
– lack of physical activity;
– social isolation;
– depression.
Importantly, correcting these risk factors can prevent or delay up to 40% of dementia cases.
— What helps to reduce the risk of developing dementia?
Healthy food. Our brain is a real burning machine: of the 200 grams of glucose (sugar) that we eat every day, the brain keeps 75% for itself to satisfy its huge energy needs. Nutritional recommendations: The Mediterranean diet enriches the brain with important nutrients and improves its immune functions. Eat plenty of healthy vitamins in the form of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts. Reduce the portion of meat in your diet. Eat plenty of oily fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. Drink plenty of fluids.
– Is it possible to influence the development of mental disorders with movement?
In addition to a healthy diet, any type of exercise, sports and muscle strengthening is also a depression prevention. Strength training increases the production of neurotrophin, which is responsible for the growth and survival of nerve cells as they grow. This is the body’s own protein that stimulates the formation of new nerve cells. Walking, fitness, swimming are the basis for preventing cognitive impairment and other diseases. But if you don’t have the strength or desire to exercise, just go for a walk. Getting outdoors has been scientifically proven to reduce your risk of developing dementia.
Remember: every action you take in communicating with others is to prevent depression. Joint sports and laughter have a positive effect on nerve cells. You just need to chat, talk about the latest events in your life, news, but try to enjoy this conversation. There may be courses or interest groups that you could attend. Think about the last time you went to a movie, concert or theater. Contact your friends or acquaintances and plan a walk together as soon as possible. Constant self-education, mental activity and any new information expand the neural connections of the brain, and direct stimulation of brain cells is very important for the prevention of depression.
Photo: Syrovatskaya NV, neurologist
Source: Press service of the State Budget Institute of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “RTsOZMP”
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2024-11-01 00:16:00
#remember #dont #forget