At least 5 thieves, including a woman, posed as interested in renting a home in the Cañahuate neighborhood of Valledupar, next to the residence of a Lebanese family.
In this way they deceived the caretaker of the house into giving him information and once inside they gagged and tied up this person. After that, they tried to enter the foreigner’s house through the patio, but when they saw that it had an electric fence security system, they looked for another way, opening a hole through a wall of the rented house.
For this, the thieves brought all the necessary tools, such as gloves, ladders, shears, among others. While they were carrying out their ‘work’, the caretaker of the house was still tied up and remained so for at least six hours.
However, one of the members of the Lebanese family heard noises at the back of the house and in the kitchen, and when they called his father, they noticed the hole that was already open, so they ran for help, while they the thieves left the site.
Once the police arrived, the man who was tied up was released.
In this case, it has not been determined if he was going to carry out a theft or a kidnapping of the foreign family.