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Thieves Smash Windows and Set Car on Fire in Dramatic Burglary Incident

The vehicle used to destroy the windows was set on fire by the burglars. A nonagenarian, who lives next door, found himself trapped by the flames. “Chez Poly” Facebook account

During the night from Sunday to Monday, in Saint-Étienne-de-Mer-Morte (Loire-Atlantique), thieves attacked a convenience store. They smashed the windows with a car which they set on fire. The owner’s quick intervention averted a bigger drama.

Le Figaro Nantes

He is still in shock from the spectacular burglary he has just suffered. Olivier Baril is the associated owner of the mini-market in Saint-Étienne-de-Mer-Morte (Loire-Atlantique), a rural town located about forty kilometers south of Nantes. On the night of Sunday to Monday, shortly after 3 a.m., he was suddenly awakened by an alarm which notified him of an intrusion into his local business. “As I live three kilometers away, I rushed to the scene”he explains to Figaro.

Arrived on the spot, he is confronted with a chaotic scene. “A ram car, which was driving in reverse, was used to break the windows”, he describes. Worse, the burglars who seized several bottles of alcohol and cookies set the vehicle on fire before fleeing: “The fire shattered the bay windows and spread to the facade of the building.” The situation was all the more serious as the creator of the convenience store, a 92-year-old man, lives just above the store. “The poor was helpless and trapped”reports the one who has been the managing partner of the place, with his partner, since last October.

Head of rescue center

While waiting for the firefighters, Olivier Baril keeps his cool. Head of the local rescue center, he works to put out the flames: “I used three of the four extinguishers to limit the spread of the flames. I kept one in reserve in case of need before the arrival of my colleagues. His intervention made it possible to avoid a potential human tragedy and the extension of the fire inside the business.

The material balance is still very important. “Outside everything needs to be redone. The paintings, the shutters, the sign: everything is melted», he laments. His insurance was to come and estimate the damage on Monday afternoon. In the morning, craftsmen from the town – electrician, roofer, carpenter – mobilized to provide him with first emergency aid. Enough to allow the opening of trade and the reception of customers, still shocked the day after the events. On the Facebook page of the convenience store, many of them denounce an act “scandalous”to say “sad” and provide support for “keep the only business in the village”.

“There is no more respect”

A mobilization that does not surprise Olivier Baril. “I was born in the town, I have lived here for forty years. I know that our work is appreciated”, reports the one who took over the business which was placed in compulsory liquidation. What give him a little balm to the heart when he knows that his adventure will have to “start from scratch” after weeks of work “80 hours”.

“Using a ram car against a local business and setting it on fire: we see that in the movies normally. There’s no more respect.”he laments. “People need to wake up. There are a lot of incivilities that are committed in the town at the moment., he says bitterly. This Monday evening, Olivier Baril will go to file a complaint with the gendarmerie. He hopes that the investigation will succeed so that his “financial and moral prejudice” be taken into account.


2023-07-10 19:59:45
#movies #south #Nantes #business #attacked #burntout #ram #car

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