Home » today » News » Thieves Arrested for Targeting Elderly Victims and Using Deceptive Tactics: Székesfehérvár Police Department Recommends Indictment

Thieves Arrested for Targeting Elderly Victims and Using Deceptive Tactics: Székesfehérvár Police Department Recommends Indictment

The Székesfehérvár Police Department conducted criminal proceedings against a 37-year-old man and a 34-year-old woman, who are awaiting the continuation of the case in a penitentiary. The Székesfehérvár investigators recommend indictment against them.

In 2022, the couple entered the property of a pensioner in Soponya and several in Székesfehérvár, asking for help with various reasons, and then diverting the elderly’s attention, stole cash and jewelry.

Sometimes they were allowed in under the pretext of exchanging money, or the unknown man told the victim that his partner was pregnant, was sick, and wanted to go to the bathroom.

The pair of thieves used methods suitable for a movie

The female perpetrator met another bona fide victim at the event, and after drinking together, they left together. During their journey, they hugged, while the woman imperceptibly removed his gold chain from his neck, took her mobile phone out of her pocket, and ran away with them.

In addition to the above, the 37-year-old suspect entered several properties in Székesfehérvár by prying open the doors, causing hundreds of thousands of forints in damage.

He did not leave any location empty-handed, stealing cash, jewelry and watches.

On the basis of witness interviews and camera recordings, the suspected perpetrators were identified within a short period of time, and they were arrested at their location. In the property serving as a temporary residence, the investigators seized several objects and cash from crimes.

The male member of the duo, whose arrest was upheld by the court from the beginning, was interrogated for seven counts of theft and three counts of robbery, while the woman, whose arrest was ordered by the court for another case, was questioned for the crime of theft and two counts of robbery.

Cash will stay with us for a long time

Despite our efforts, cash does not want to disappear from our everyday lives: its importance is still important in the area of ​​savings, but at the same time, more and more people make purchases with cards – but still much less than expected. There is a great fear that we will be too traceable with complete cashlessness, and also in times of crisis, many people prefer to store their savings in cash.
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What should we do so that they cannot rob us?

The Fejér County Police Headquarters provided the population with the following advice:

Never let a stranger into the apartment without being sure of the purpose of their arrival and the authenticity of their identity. Keep the gate and the door of the apartment closed even when you are at home. Equip the entrance door of the apartment with a safety chain and use it in all cases. Do not keep large amounts of cash at home, ensure safe storage of valuables (safe). Never hand over money or valuables to strangers. If you suspect a crime, notify the police immediately or call the 112 emergency number.

Hungarians’ money is flowing into securities: they are saving what can be saved from inflation

Hundreds of thousands of people in Hungary have chosen this form of saving so that the value of their money does not lose. Fewer and fewer people keep cash at home, a record number of securities accounts have been opened, but people who are inexperienced in financial matters let their money lie in bank accounts and thus rapidly deteriorate. Read more >>>

2023-08-07 19:31:00

#large #amounts #cash #bed

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