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Thies info, news site in Thiès

Written on Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 11:17 p.m. | Read 80 times Written by Malick Sarr Gueye

In collaboration with the communal section of the Pastef party (African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity), the “patriots” of Keur Saïb Ndoye, commune of Thiès – Nord, mobilized, Saturday August 17, 2024, for a day of blood, an inter-cell activity at the health post of the said locality. This approach by the unconditional supporters of President Ousmane Sonko demonstrates their spirit of solidarity and commitment to public health issues. Forty-nine bags of blood were collected for the benefit of the blood bank of the Saint Jean de Dieu hospital in Thiès. Indeed, the two cell leaders in this region of the Northern Zone (commune of Thiès – Nord), Penda Ly née Madame Diawara, head of the Pastef Keur Saïb Ndoye cell (Medinatoul Khaïry) and Pape Khone Diop, head of the Pastef Keur Saïb Ndoye cell, took this opportunity to raise awareness among the population and collect blood bags. Speaking on the sidelines of this donation ceremony that the patriots were initiated in his commune, the new mayor of the commune of Thiès – Nord, Mouhamadou Diakhaté praised the strong mobilization of the population of Keur Saïb Ndoye. He was delighted with the organization of this civic activity. Several citizens also came to respond to the call of the inter-cell Pastef to donate their blood and save lives. Taking advantage of this platform, the patriots of the commune of Thiès – Nord recalled their commitment to materialize the Patriotic Agricultural Holidays (VAP) launched by their leader Ousmane Sonko to achieve food self-sufficiency and the empowerment of women in the department of Thiès.

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