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‘Thierry Baudet wants to expand the party into an alternative society!’ – The Daily Standard

At the end of May, Thierry Baudet recorded a video with fellow FVD member Ralph Dekker. The topic of conversation? The need for FVD members to set up a new pillar, or alternative society, together. A wonderful idea. And the best part of the idea? The left-wing cartel media has been triggered.

For a moment I had the hope that the cartel media would not notice that we on the conservative and libertarian right have a nice plan to set up an alternative, parallel society. After all, we can do very well without their ‘help.’ But unfortunately. Apparently there is someone woke up, and so this week we suddenly got this kind of articles in the Algemeen Dagblad.

Thierry Baudet alludes to his own Forum crypto coin, as part of the ‘Forumland’ that he wants to shape as a kind of pillar. That idea, which took root a long time ago, is becoming more concrete,” the newspaper said. It then more or less explains what Baudet – and I! – will, but of course in such a way that it is presented as negatively as possible.

GroenLinks Marxist / Member of Parliament Lisa Westerveld also contributes. According to her, Baudet’s idea is a sign of “cult formation” and therefore “deadly scary.” Or something.

Of course that is pure nonsense. There’s nothing “cult-ish” about it at all. Baudet is not glorified. He is not seen as the messiah by us in the conservative-libertarian Netherlands.

No, what we want is creating an alternative, digital society in which we home can feel. A society, if you will, in which the extreme left-wing woke madness of cult members like GroenLinks not be the leading factor. A society, in short, in which common sense rules.

Another, real Dutch word for it is: a column. Pillars had nothing to do with cults. But different people with different principles and different values ​​decided to live with each other. Now it is happening – that whole crazy Woke culture of GroenLinks is also a pillar, although a pillar that tries to impose itself on the rest of the Netherlands.

And that’s actually the big difference. We conservatives do not want to push our ideas down the throats of others at all. We just want to be able to live our way. With each other. Digital, at least. This is in contrast to the cultural Marxists of GroenLinks and D66, who not only clearly adhere to a sect – including irrational beliefs – but also want to impose their sect on everyone. Live as they please, or else.

Forumland is exactly what we need. The best thing would be to buy an island somewhere together and start all over again. But yeah, that’s not the case for now. That’s why we organize ourselves digital, and in this way we still form a close-knit community; a community in which we feel at home.

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It says everything about the media and the party cartel (which are actually one and the same cartel) that they react so fearfully and fiercely to this idea. They are real terrified that we break through their monopoly on culture, the economy, education and politics – and show the rest of the Netherlands that we can live life differently.

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