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They’re Not Critics: The Rise of Movie Reviewers on TikTok

Title: They Review Movies on TikTok, but Don’t Call Them Critics

Subtitle: MovieTok creators on TikTok are redefining film criticism and reaching millions of viewers

Date: August 15, 2023

In the world of TikTok, film reviewers are finding fame and fortune by sharing their thoughts on movies. With millions of followers and the potential to earn tens of thousands of dollars per post, these creators are revolutionizing film criticism and challenging the traditional role of the critic.

Maddi Koch, known as Maddi Moo on TikTok, has amassed three million followers with her movie reviews. Her video on the dystopian thriller “What Happened to Monday” has garnered over 24 million views. Koch, a senior at Virginia Tech, sees herself as a connector, helping people find the perfect movie and avoiding the frustration of indecision. While she occasionally collaborates with film companies, most of her videos are unsponsored.

Koch and many other TikTok creators reject the label of “critic.” They prefer to be called content creators or influencers, emphasizing their role in connecting with their audience on a personal level. They believe that traditional critics lack the personal touch and relatability that they offer.

On MovieTok, as the TikTok film community is known, creators aim to capture viewers’ attention within the first few seconds of their videos. They speak directly to the camera, often with screenshots from the film in the background. Each creator specializes in a particular niche, such as analyzing coming attractions, demystifying horror films, or reviewing art house and foreign cinema.

Unlike traditional film critics, MovieTok creators do not aspire to review every noteworthy film. They focus on films they are passionate about and offer their personal opinions rather than making objective judgments. Many creators express a lack of trust in traditional critics, seeing them as out of touch with the preferences of fans.

MovieTok creators earn money through partnerships with entertainment companies. Sponsored posts promoting films or streaming services can range from $1,000 to $30,000. However, this presents a conflict of interest, as creators may be hesitant to speak negatively about the products of companies that pay them. While traditional news organizations separate editorial and business operations, TikTok creators navigate an ad hoc code of ethics to maintain transparency with their viewers.

Despite the ethical challenges, MovieTok creators have proven to have a significant impact on the film industry. Sony executives credit MovieTok campaigns for the success of “Insidious: The Red Door,” which exceeded box office predictions. However, the direct link between TikTok influencers and ticket sales remains difficult to measure.

In the ever-evolving landscape of film criticism, TikTok creators are redefining the role of the critic and finding success in connecting with audiences on a personal level. While their approach may differ from traditional critics, their influence cannot be denied. As the MovieTok community continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how their impact on the film industry evolves.

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Despite this potential conflict, MovieTok creators argue that their reviews are still authentic and unbiased. They believe that their personal connection with their audience and their genuine love for movies make their opinions more trustworthy than those of traditional critics.

The rise of MovieTok and its impact on the film industry raises questions about the future of film criticism. As more and more people turn to social media platforms like TikTok for movie recommendations, the role of traditional critics may become less relevant.

However, it is important to remember that MovieTok creators are not trained journalists or film scholars. They may lack the expertise and knowledge that professional critics bring to their reviews. While their opinions may be entertaining and relatable, they should not be seen as a replacement for in-depth analysis and thoughtful critique.

In the end, the success of MovieTok and its creators is a reflection of the changing media landscape. Social media platforms have given individuals the power to reach millions of people and monetize their content. Whether this trend will continue to grow or fade away remains to be seen, but for now, MovieTok is here to stay.
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What is the future of film criticism in the face of the rise of MovieTok creators, who have the power to make or break a film with their millions of followers and relatable opinions

Ceeded box office expectations. The creators’ ability to connect with their audience and generate buzz through their reviews and recommendations is reshaping the way movies are marketed and consumed.

While critics may dismiss MovieTok creators as amateurs or influencers, their reach and influence cannot be ignored. With millions of followers and a direct line of communication to their audience, these creators have the power to make or break a film. Their personal touch and relatability resonate with viewers, who often trust their opinions more than those of traditional critics.

The rise of MovieTok also raises questions about the future of film criticism. As creators redefine the role and expectations of critics, it becomes clear that the landscape of film criticism is changing. The influence and power now lies in the hands of content creators, who are shaping the conversation around movies in new and exciting ways.

In the world of TikTok, movie reviews have become more than just informative or entertaining content – they are a driving force behind the success of films and the decisions of audiences. MovieTok creators may reject the label of “critic,” but their impact and redefinition of film criticism cannot be ignored. As they continue to reach millions of viewers and challenge traditional notions of criticism, it will be fascinating to see how the industry adapts and evolves.

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