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They will teach a state subject on education with a gender perspective in Quintana roo

Cancún.- Quintana Roo will launch a new subject whose main objective is to develop, among the students of Higher Secondary Education, different ways of relating with respect, adherence to Human Rights and Gender Perspective, to make schools educational spaces for peace.

It is about the State Subject of Education with a Gender Perspective for the Upper Secondary Level, a subject presented this Tuesday in Chetumal, the state capital.

It has four units. The first, focused on the basic concepts of what is a Gender Perspective, Equity, Equality, Substantive Equality, New Masculinities, Human Rights and the legal framework, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW); or the Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence, for example.

The second unit deals with workshops to understand the roots and elements of violence in general and gender violence; This includes exercises to reach agreements for coexistence and peaceful conflict resolution.

Unit three addresses feminism, new masculinities, the empowerment of women, inclusive or non-sexist language, and respect for diversity and inclusion.

Finally, the fourth unit is described by the head of the Secretariat of Education of Quintana Roo (SEQ), Ana Isabel Vásquez Jiménez, as “very experiential” and is about the construction of peace.

In an interview, the official indicated that the new subject was worked on with experts from the Polytechnic Unit for Gender Perspective Management (UPGPG) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), from which, for example, tools such as the Violentometer or the Traffic Light of Violence.

This Unit has extensive experience in Gender and operates with a policy of zero tolerance to violence and discrimination in its different types and modalities; In addition, it focuses its objectives on the construction of a culture of equality, inclusion, respect and peace, under criteria of transversality in its policies, projects and study programs.

Although the idea was raised three years ago, as part of the actions to prevent and combat gender violence and promote the culture of peace, the work was completed last May, when collaboration with the Polytechnic Gender Unit was requested and the teachers, counselors and psychologists of the upper secondary level subsystems were summoned to define topics, content and materials.

“We had pending the subject of the subject, which should be taught at all educational levels, but which at this time will only begin for the upper secondary level, because it has a lower enrollment and because the subsystems operate independently, which facilitates piloting ”, He expressed.

This new subject is in the pilot phase; It is designed to be taught face-to-face and virtual and will formally start from September among the first thousand students of upper secondary level, of the 17 thousand young people that make up the total universe of that educational level.

In August, the first 25 teachers will receive training and awareness to conduct the subject and in this first phase a sampling will be carried out in the Conalep, Community Telebachillerato, Eva Sámano de López Mateos, CECYTE and COBACH subsystems, which will participate in the pilot stage .

The official indicated that, for the moment, in this phase, Solidaridad, Tulum, José María Morelos and Othón P. Blanco will start in Cancun, with all the contents and materials ready.

An evaluation will be conducted in November to measure its impact and adjustments will be made, if necessary. In parallel, work will be carried out on its validation at the federal level and as of January 2022 it will be taught in all upper secondary schools in the state.

“I do not know of another similar experience in the country, so I do not know if a subject of this type is taught in other states, but what I can tell you is that last week federal educational authorities told us that they were very happy because Quintana Roo is a pioneer in this subject at the upper secondary level ”, he stressed.

To express question he stressed that the subject is very informative, with objective data, focused on peace and on transmitting and teaching students that all people have rights, which must be respected, as well as their differences.

“The content of the subject is very noble and respectful. With it, we seek to lay the foundations for the formation of a more just and egalitarian society, through peaceful coexistence within upper secondary schools and its subsequent projection of young people towards their families and their community.

“We seek to develop an ‘orange mentality’, which is constant throughout the school year and not only remember it on the 25th of each month,” he concluded.


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