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They will promote the use of organic fertilizers to face increases in synthetic fertilizers in markets

To face the disproportionate increase in price, as well as the shortage of synthetic fertilizers in the market, the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI), will promote the use of organic fertilizers to meet the needs of small producers, especially agriculture familiar.

To this end, as part of the actions of the Second Agrarian Reform, the use of ecological fertilization alternatives will be promoted, such as accelerated liquid biofertilizer (foliar fertilizer), Island Guano + sheep manure and Inoculants with microbial strains, in addition to other industry initiatives.

If these products are used together with synthetic fertilizers, they improve their assimilation capacity, thus promoting the reduction of this type of fertilizers. Likewise, it should be noted that the cost of organic fertilizers is much lower than that of synthetic ones, since inputs from the plots themselves are mostly used for their preparation.

The use of organic fertilizers under an agroecological approach helps reduce the use of synthetic nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, cutting the vicious cycle of dependence on this type of input. They will also help to recover degraded soils thanks to the activity of beneficial microorganisms. In this way, the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil improve and moisture retention also increases, which is currently relevant in the face of the impacts of climate change.

The yields obtained with these organic fertilizers are good and very good, so they present ecological, productive and economic benefits.

For example, the accelerated liquid biofertilizer (foliar fertilizer) has been tested in the Junín region in coffee, maca and various vegetables, achieving good yields. Its use is recommended in the production of seedlings in similar crops at the national level.


Meanwhile, inoculants with microbial strains have been tested in the regions of Junín and Huancavelica in maca crops, where optimal yields have been achieved. The application is recommended for the cultivation of oca, mashua, potato, among others, as well as in Ayacucho, Huancavelica and other regions with similar climate and soil conditions.

Island guano plus sheep manure has also been successfully applied in the Huancavelica region in the cultivation of quinoa. Its use is recommended for organic agriculture in similar crops, such as: corn, beans, peas, among others at the national level.

To strengthen dissemination from practice, virtual and face-to-face technical training actions will be carried out, reaching an estimated 1,275 farmers distributed in 10 regions nationwide. The application of these fertilizers will be promoted on the farms of rural producers.

The use of organic fertilizers is the result of a work carried out by MIDAGRI, through the General Directorate of Agricultural Development and Agroecology (DGDAA) in coordination with the Rural Agricultural Productive Development Program (AGRORURAL) and the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA). ), which have presented fertilization options for the sustainability of the productive system.


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