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They will also vaccinate against COVID-19 at the Tubman Chavez Community Center in San Diego

This Saturday a new vaccination clinic opened at the Tubman Chavez Community Center in San Diego, as part of the local authorities’ strategy to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to the communities that need it most.

This space located at 415 Euclid Avenue, a few steps from the public transportation station, will operate on Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. The remainder of the week will continue to serve as a COVID-19 testing center.

To receive the vaccine, an appointment is required in advance through the site VaccinationSuperStationSD.com; no appointment is needed to get tested.

“The demand for the vaccine is much greater than our availability,” agreed Supervisor Nathan Fletcher.

“But we continue to strive to manage as many as possible and open clinics in more locations in the County.”

For now, the vaccine is available only to those over 65 and health sector workers, and authorities will be notifying as soon as other age groups are eligible.

This site will have the capacity to administer up to 200 daily vaccinations, Councilor Monica Montgomery Steppe said.

Also the Supervisor, Nora Vargas stressed that it seeks to expand access to the vaccine, mainly for minority groups, including Latinos who, although they have been among the most affected during the pandemic, their vaccination rates are low.

“We will continue to do everything possible because we know that these are the communities that have been disproportionately affected by this virus,” he stressed.

Of the more than 234,000 confirmed infections in the County, more than 56 percent are people of Latino descent, according to data from the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA).

As of this Friday, just over 224,000 people in San Diego County have been vaccinated, of which only 14 percent identify as Hispanic.

For North County residents, a new vaccine “super station” will open this Sunday at California State University in San Marcos.

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