Home » today » Business » They were supposed to move in in December. Instead of giving them the keys, the developer put up a fence for them

They were supposed to move in in December. Instead of giving them the keys, the developer put up a fence for them

Several dozen families were to live in “Willa Wiślana” in Warsaw’s Tarchomin.

The deadline, according to the developer on the website today, is December 2020. – First, JW Construction said there would be a delay until February, in February they said it would be in March. Then they were supposed to give back in May – says Ms. Marcelina (we changed the name at her request), a would-be resident of a block of flats.

However, clients still cannot move in. And they keep getting information from JW Construction about new dates. The last letter shows that the delivery of the premises is scheduled for the end of July 2021. – The next slips are not the biggest problem anyway – however, would-be residents say.

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There are no keys, there is a fence

– We are even more outraged by the fact that the developer has decided to enclose everything with a fence – tells money.pl the man who was to live in Tarchomin. The fence is not everything. The developer’s clients add that the employees on site make sure not to enter the almost finished apartments.

Families say there are many problems with this. – I have already bought a kitchen – all equipment, furniture. I ordered everything with assembly. Now it turns out that I will probably have to put a kitchen under the fence – one of the people who sent us information to the platform complains dziejesie.wp.pl.

Most of those who bought flats in “Willa” currently rent out premises. So they would like to move in as soon as possible. – I ordered the crew a long time ago. Now I have to cancel her. And now there is about a year waiting for free dates in Warsaw. So I will lose a lot of money. I will pay off the loan, rent an apartment – and still look for a new construction team – one of the people tells us.

The would-be residents urge the developer to at least let them into the apartments so that they can start construction works. – Until recently, there was no problem with entering our apartments. Why has this changed? JW Construction is deaf to our requests – we hear from resentful people.


What does the developer say? We did not receive an answer as to why the entrances were fenced and future residents cannot even enter their premises.

The developer replies: not our fault

JW Construction, on the other hand, explains that the delays are due to “prolonged works with connecting the investment to the target power supply”. However, the developer does not feel guilty and points out that “the connection is at the discretion of Innogy”. We asked this company for an explanation, but so far we have not received an answer.


JW Construction also adds that “the construction of the investment itself was completed on time”.

What do the residents say to all this? – Honestly? We are waiting for the next letter with information about the delays – tells us Ms Marcelina. And immediately after that, he adds bitterly that he hopes that the news of the fence’s liquidation will arrive sooner. “Letting us in would solve at least some of your problems,” he says.


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