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They were selling heroin and cocaine

For two days, yesterday and today, five men, aged 20 to 25, are on trial for their alleged involvement in a hard drug trafficking ring.
Four are Drouais, the fifth, a former resident of Dreux, lives in Châteauneuf-en-Thymerais.

It was also at his home in Châteauneuf that the investigation began on March 14, 2018. That day, the gendarmes were called for an attempted break-in, in the house rented by the defendant. He is away from his home at the time.

On entering the house, looking for a possible intruder, the gendarmes discover many clues allowing them to suspect drug trafficking: a few tens of grams of heroin and cocaine, a precision scale, enough making “casseroles” (paper container intended to package certain narcotic products, Editor’s note), phones and over € 2,000 in cash.

The man is apprehended on his return home. “The car he was using was also searched,” the gendarmes noted in their report.
It is an Audi A3, equipped with false plates, in which many objects are discovered: glasses, gloves and phones. DNA allows us to trace several leads.

The investigation lasts for many months and, in November and December 2019, several suspects were arrested.

“I did this unconsciously”

Some, whose implication seems minor, were tried in appearance on preliminary admission of guilt (CRPC), the procedure of “plead guilty”.

The five men presented before the criminal court seem to have played a more important role in this drug trafficking. As often in this type of case, where the law of silence remains the rule, it is the second knives that are judged. And the sponsors with absent subscribers.

“I earned between 200 and 300 € per day”

Three of the five suspects admit their involvement in trafficking. “I was given a phone, a packaging containing the doses and I was given a car with a driver”, explains one of them, in front of the judges. “I honored the orders I received by text. I was going to appointments. I earned between 200 and 300 € per day. “

This Drouais admits to having won “around € 10,000. But I don’t know what I did with it. “

“I did that unconsciously”, continues this defendant, sentenced by the judicial court of Évreux (Eure), a few months earlier, for the same facts. His cousin is also on trial in the same case. Astonishing thing: each one claims to ignore that the other was engaged in the same drug trafficking, with the same operating methods, the same clients and, certainly, for the same sponsor.
“We didn’t want to risk having two members of the same family in prison,” said one of the cousins.

Was one of the two cousins ​​the “boss”, as the mother of one of their friends assures us?

“We found gloves in the Audi A3, in which there was your DNA”, specifies hearing president. “What were you used for? “It was so that my fingerprints wouldn’t be found in the car. “

When the inhabitant of Chateauneuf-en-Thymerais, by which the investigation began, he did not appear at his trial, which continues today, with the requisitions of the public prosecutor and the pleadings lawyers.
The deliberation is expected in the evening.

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Jacques Joannopoulos

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