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They were not “caught out” by the “massage” for same-sex couples


More than 60 MPs of the New Democracy formed the second group of the political “massage” of persuasion in the offices of Piraeus for the now “very controversial” regulation for the marriage and procreation of same-sex couples. In the more than three-hour briefing on Tuesday, there were several of the original dissenters who were persuaded and declared – some boldly and others hinting – that they would ultimately vote in favor.

However, despite the honorable efforts of the drafter of the bill, Minister of State, Akis Skertsou, with the assistance of reputable lawyers, there were not a few who remained unmoved in their position – that is, in “no” – mainly because of the provision on childbearing. As they pointed out, the institutionalization of procreation can lead through the European Court to medically assisted reproduction, even though the government has left this out of the bill.

To the MPs who express serious reservations and the former minister Yiannis Oikonomou, who conveyed the concern “about the conservatism of the Greek province” (MP Fthiotidos gar). The same category also belongs to the Member of Parliament A’ Thessaloniki Stratos Simopoulos, who once again expressed his objections to the proposed regulation, considering that “with this bill we may create a medium- to long-term destabilization of the nuclear family”. On the other hand, however, he hastened to note that it is in no way his intention to create a political problem in the government… Unmoved by the “no”, despite the “massage”, the deputies of Thesprotia, Vassilis Yogiakas, finally declared (“I have made my decisions “), Artas Giorgos Stylios, Lesvou Charalambos Athanasiou and Chios Notis Mitarakis, who came to the meeting jokingly saying: “I’m late for class”, while the MPs of Kozani, Michalis Papadopoulos, also stated that they were deeply concerned, leaning towards the negative vote. Corinthia, Marialena Soukouli and Imathia, Lazaros Tsavdaridis.

What had happened to the cohabitation agreement?

In the blue camp, the debate has also opened about the attitude of some MPs in 2015 when the Coexistence Pact was passed.

The Pact was approved with 193 votes as it was supported by all the MPs of SYRIZA, the Democratic Alliance (PASOK at that time), Potami, the Union of Centers, 19 MPs of New Democracy and three of ANEL.

Of the New Democracy MPs from Epirus, only the current speaker of the Parliament, Kostas Tasoulas, had given a positive vote to the Coexistence Pact – (according to articles 9, 10 and 11).

29 New Democracy MPs voted against the Bill. Among them Vassilis Yogiakas, who has declared that he will vote against the marriage bill and Stergios Giannakis, who is no longer in the Parliament.

27 MPs were absent from the main opposition party. Among those absent was Artas MP Giorgos Stylios, who also participates in today’s parliament.

In addition to them, Maria Kefala from Ioannina, who also holds a position in the government, also participates in the current parliament. For now he has avoided being placed..

Also Spyros Kyriakis from the Prefecture of Preveza, who belongs to the MPs directly influenced by the Prime Minister.

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