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They warn about a false call to get vaccinated that circulates on WhatsApp

Kicillof warned that, since his administration, “the corresponding complaint will be presented today to find those responsible for this boycott of the vaccination campaign”

Governor Axel Kicillof warned of a false call circulating via email to assist in getting vaccinated against the coronavirus.

“Attention! We found out that a false call is circulating on WhatsApp with shifts to get vaccinated tomorrow (for today), especially in the municipality of Tigre, ”the Buenos Aires president posted last night on his Twitter account.

Kicillof warned that, since his administration, “the corresponding complaint will be presented today to find those responsible for this boycott of the vaccination campaign.”

Then, he recalled that “genuine shifts arrive through the app, official email and / or from the number 221 4294002” and asked those who are waiting their turn to check the website https://vacunatepba.gba.gob.ar/.

For his part, the Deputy Minister of Health, Nicolás Kreplak, highlighted that more than 150,000 shifts were sent today. “Check the VacunatePBA APP or the web http://vacunatepba.gba.gob.ar and check the status of your shift. Remember to give a hand to nearby older adults. #We get vaccinated, ”he urged.


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