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They want to kill Héctor Llaitul

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Who wants to kill him? Well, the government, who will it be?

I have a very good knowledge of the situation of detention centers in the world, as I have worked for years in Mexico in the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) specifically in the penitentiary field. A friend of mine represented the OHCHR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) for a long time, which is responsible for monitoring the world’s prisons, and he explained to me that they are all terrible without an exception.

In 1955, the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention and Treatment of Crime agreed to the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners. This was an important start, and in 2015 the Senate adopted expanded rules, known as the “Nelson Mandela Rules”, in honor of the most famous prisoner of the 20th century.

The Rules are based on the obligation to treat all prisoners with respect for their dignity and inherent worth as human beings, as well as the prohibition of torture and any other ill-treatment.

Aware of these concerns and under the protection of the Nelson Mandela Rules, OHCHR strives to guarantee the protection of the human rights of those deprived of their liberty. In 2018, for example, he made more than 2,000 visits to detention centers. Through inspection tours and assistance programs, it assists States in their efforts to improve prison conditions.

People in prison are only condemned to lose their freedom, but not to live and be treated worse than animals. The above means that you have not the slightest idea of ​​what a prison is or the slightest respect for the human rights of prisoners.

You have no reason to Héctor Llaitul moved to module 31 for common prisonerswhich is one of the worst Chilean prisons.

Héctor is on hunger strike and in a very delicate condition, he has lost 25 kilos. He does it with a just cause, because he is not a criminal, he is a social leader who is dedicated to protecting the just rights of his people, who have been dispossessed, oppressed -persecuted and oppressed since colonial times. Everyone knows that.

But the government, Mr. Boric, Mrs. Tohá and others want him dead. In this case, they will be sued before the relevant international organizations for having committed acts against humanity, against human life, just like in a dictatorship. The Minister of the Interior should know something about this, because they took her father out of Dawson to take him to Santiago to kill him. Mr. Boric does not know about this, but it would be useful to know what happened.

We, the people then and all decent people today, have said NO AGAIN, but these people in government are repeating the worst. Well, don’t think you’re going to go unpunished. In Chile the slogan NOT FORGIVE NO FORGET is not always used.

And for you, who want to assassinate Héctor Llaitul, the people of Chile will not forgive or forget you.

Margarita Labarca Goddard

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